Chaoyer 37

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It's currently nine o'clock at night. I'm all comfortable in my pyjamas, sat on my bed with some rose water under-eye patches stuck to my face and have just greeted my cousin who's actually doing the exact same thing, on my laptop screen.

"Oh my god, it's been way too long."

"I know. A week is practically a year when we don't talk."

"Seriously. So, how are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Intrigued." She answers almost immediately. "Tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"Don't play coy with me. I know you better than anyone. Spill. Or I'll fly over and force it out of you."

Knowing Daci, she actually would.

"Okay." I breathe. "Guess who has a boyfriend?"

She straightens. "One moment, please." She turns her head to the side. "Isabelle, could you hand me that glass, please?" She takes the cup from her maid and proceeds to take a sip. She swallows and blinks, then hands it back. "Thank you." Before exploding. "What? Since when? It's Darius, isn't it? How could you only tell me this now? How in love with you is he? Scale of one to Romeo Montague."

"Romeo killed himself."


"Daci, calm down."

"I am calm. You're the one who isn't freaking out enough!"

"Can I at least answer your questions before we scream into our pillows?"

"Has he made you scream into your pillows?"


"Okay. Sorry. Just a question. Alright, go. I'm listening."

"Yes. Since yesterday. It is. Also, how did you know that? It's been a lot. But it's hardly been twenty-four hours and you're the first person I've verbally told. He's not in love with me and again, not in love with me."

"Um, that's insane. Of course he's in love with you. You are you."

"And what about you?"

"And what about me?"

"Where's your boyfriend?"

"Oh, I don't know." She shrugs. "Probably off cultivating an air for a multi billion dollar empire. I'll find him eventually."

"You don't have anyone in mind?"

"Not particularly."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I am. All of the guys I've met are merely boys. It's like they were raised by a pack of wild animals. I was at a charity gala the other day, and I saw a group of them urinating outside in the bushes. There was literally like four bathrooms at minimum in that hotel! And they call themselves gentlemen." She scoffs.

"I'm sure that's not true. Last time I went to a party with you, there were plenty of respectable gentlemen. That very much had their eyes on you."

"And you. But they didn't have that thing."

"What thing?"

"You know. That feeling. When you look at a guy, you have to have that feeling, you know? Whether that be enticement, hate, lust, whatever. You have to feel something. And I didn't feel anything with them."

Enchanted  (Billionaire Boys Club #2) |  ongoing Where stories live. Discover now