Chapter 36

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I feel eyes everywhere.

They're all watching us.

He's holding my hand. He waited for me. He kissed me. Again.

I don't even know how to describe what I'm feeling, right now.

"Hey, are you two dating?" A girl I don't think I know, asks when we cross paths in the foyer.

"Yes." Darius answers, without stopping.

We reach my locker and he leans against the one beside it.

"Yes, sweetheart?" He raises a brow when I make no move to open mine. Just staring at him.

"You... You did that."

"I did that."

"Why did you do that?"

"To make sure everyone knows who you belong to." His tone is low and powerful. "And to make damn well sure no one tries to mess with you. Or mess around with you, for that matter."

"But, you've never done that before."

"I haven't." He agrees

"So how come you did that, this time?"

"You're not just anyone to me, little ballerina. Was I not clear enough on that?"

"No, no. You were clear." I purse my lips, clasping my hands behind my back as if to hold myself together. "I was just wondering."

"Still wondering?"

"Umm. No?"

He grins, showing off his white teeth and perfect smile.

"Tella, hey." I turn to see Holland approaching us.

I release my hands, giving her a wave. "Hi."

She slows to a stop next to us.

"Hey, Dare." She greets and he gives her a head nod in response.

"Uhh," she glances around. "Why is it so quiet?" She asks in a whisper.

"Bambi!" Oakley comes bouncing down the hallway to us, too.

"Or not so quiet." She amends.

We share a laugh and he comes skidding to a finish once he's within reach. He swings an arm around both mine and Darius's shoulders.

"About fucking time you two got together."he shakes us. "So. Tell me. How did it happen, huh? Was it all romantic? Did you kiss under the stars or some shit? Or did he lose his patience and just plant one on you? That sounds more like him. I think it could've gone either way, if I'm being honest. I still can't believe you didn't tell me right away, you asshat-"

He turns to Darius but he beats him to it. He had already opened the locker behind him, tested the weight of each book in there and just now, smacks his best friend on the head.

Wait. How did he even get in there?

"Ouch." Oakley massages the spot. "Why do you always have to resort to violence? Honestly. I really don't know what you see in him, Bambi."

"Oh, look at that. The other end has metal edges."

"Okay, fine. God. I'll stop." Oakley whines, leaning away when Darius goes in for another hit.

"You... You two are dating?" Holland asks, eyes flicking from me to Darius.

"We are." He confirms and I slowly nod my head.

Enchanted  (Billionaire Boys Club #2) |  ongoing Where stories live. Discover now