Chapter 31

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Oh, he'll no.

That little phone call was it.

The thing I needed to tip me over the edge.

After last night and what my mother said, I had been contemplating the idea all day.

Do I like her?

Do I really like her?

I was teetering on the fine line between a yes and a no. Bouncing back and forth between them like a rubber ball, that is annoyingly persistent.

It's been a long fucking day.

But that sentence. It shoved me right over the ledge and I fell head first into that ocean of yesses so fast I nearly got whiplash.

I like Donatella Winters.

I like Donatella Winters.

The girl who's beauty is unmatched. And she doesn't even know it. The girl who can twirl in a circle and drive me mad. The girl who's aura is the colour pink and the girl who possesses the very rare ability to make me smile for no reason other than just fucking existing.

Shit. Mom was right.

And I've been a fucking fool.

Especially when we first met. Goddamn it, I'm an asshole. Such a fucking idiot.

She was perfect. So fucking pure and I was a senseless prick.

But I can't turn back time.

All I can do now is get her to be mine. The right way. Or, whatever way isn't just the mere prospect of sex.

I mean, eventually, duh. But for now, I just want her. Her laughter and her kindness and her spirit and her soul.

I want all of it.

All of her.

And I don't care how far I have to go to get her.

She's a divine being. But I'm a selfish bastard. And I'll be damned if I don't drag her down to the depths of hell with me.

She can keep her halo. Have it glowing over her head while her wings follow her every step. Better to warn everyone else away from what's mine. But she is. Mine, that is. Whether she likes it or not.

And anyone who thinks otherwise can choke on the insufferable being of their own existence.

She doesn't know it yet but her little date tomorrow won't be happening.
And If she believes that other people are an option, then she's got another thing coming.

Because I'll let everyone else in the world burn if it means that she'll see me.

It won't take nations aflame to get her to open those gorgeous eyes for me, though. No. She'll wake to me soon enough.

She may not think it yet, but she already has.

My idea of an angel.

Get ready to meet the devil.

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