Chapter 210

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All 4 of us walk toward the back of the crowded mercenary guild through the tables full of people, sloshing drinks, various colored coins, and magical items being traded.

The situation with a presumably well-known fire-using grunt has distracted the crowd's attention from our entrance enough that we make it to the front counter without any trouble.

The old white-haired guild manager shows us a professional smile as we approach and gives a nod before speaking up in a much more confident voice than earlier.

"Some new faces around here. Are you looking to fill a request? What difficulty level are you all looking for, we have plenty available but for outsiders, the pricing may be rather low. Competition has been tough lately with all the new hunters coming through. People are willing to jump at lower and lower offers every day."

Arie steps up and places a hand on the counter, leaning in and matching the gaze of the old man.

"We're looking to buy today, not get paid. Do you have a few rooms available? Just for the night, we'll be leaving to go further north in the morning."

The old man raises an eyebrow at Arie's last comment. He begins to shuffle paper and small items under the desk, then speaks.

"For the 4 of ya? The best I can do is a quad-bunk room. There isn't enough space for single rooms in this town anymore I'm afraid."

He pulls out a small partially rusted key and places it on the counter.

Arie turns back to us with both hands raised slightly to his sides.

I shrug and reply while stepping up to the old man.

"If that's all ya got, then we'll take it."

I reach into my item box to grab a few silver coins.

"How much is it gonna run me?"

He nods.

"That'll be 40 bronze for the night."

As the manager replies promptly, the grip on the coins in my item box loosens and my mouth hangs wide open. I swallow my next words before they come out.

Sifting through my item box, but not able to find any coins lower in value than the silver and gold I brought along, I gulp and place one of the shiny silver coins on the table.

"Maybe we could get a few drinks and some hot meals with that too."

He quickly takes the silver coin, throwing it under the long table between us while I take the small key and put it in my item box.

He replies.

"Room 117. You're right down the hall."

The white-haired man points to a hallway off on our left side that twists out of sight from the main guild's main room.

He continues to speak.

"Drinks? We can fill ya up, for the extra coin ya gave me. Even if it's not for now, I never forget a face, don't you worry."

He winks.

"Food on the other hand, you'll need to go find a restaurant in town. This isn't a bed and breakfast."

He lets out a chuckle. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the scrawny man that stood up to the fire user earlier approaches.

The guild manager takes notice.

"It was a good try earlier, Danny. Maybe the next crew of adventurers that roll in can help ya out. It could even be these fellas."

The manager points over to us.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now