Chapter 325

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Although a ton of possible negative possibilities cross my mind at first, the fact that my own poster with the bounty marked out as collected still stands on the wall makes me question the validity of the posters.

I doubt they'd put up a false collection notice; it wouldn't make any sense.

The odd string of logic that crosses my mind is that someone tricked the Solaran government or paid them off to get rid of our bounties. If my group is off the map, there would be a lot fewer prying eyes.

While deep in thought, the bartender comes back with a steaming plate of food and a tall cold drink. He smiles while placing down the order and speaks up as I'm eyeballing the posters on the back wall.

"Looking to accept some quests? Or just reading for the fun of it?"

He chuckles while giving me a nod, then showing off a charismatic smile.

I reply.

"No, no. Probably not. Though I do have a question, when were these bounties all collected? Do you remember?"

He stares at me with a curious gaze.

"Just 4 days ago. Can you believe it? A full Elite squad of 6 taken down by a single bounty hunter. He caught them in their sleep of all places. Makes the Association look pretty bad, doesn't it?"

His voice carries a mocking tone, but I only smirk back to play along.

If what he said is the story the city is going with, that only confirms my theory further; this is definitely a cover-up. My assumptions are leading me to believe the Galeheart Mercenary Guild owner has a lot to do with all of this. It also gives me a pretty clear idea of how fast my Hibernation time was sped up. Still, I need to get more answers.

I laugh with him and start to dig into my meal before taking the conversation any further.

"Say, what's the fastest way to get to Sector 1 from here? I need to meet a friend."

The bartender continues pouring a few drinks for another customer at the other end of the bar but turns to reply.

"Sector 1? You'll have to take the train outside the walls, it'll cost you a few silver at most. Ever since the surges started, the central terminal has been abandoned."

He grins and looks up at the ceiling, thinking of something. Then, turns back to me and continues.

"Where to in Sector 1? I've only been a few times in my younger years, but I've heard it's nearly 10 times the land mass as our 4th Sector here."

I remember back to the first time we entered the Dark Continent. The train we rode on to get here didn't seem to be at its last stop. It would make sense for it to continue running around the entire continent.

That's one possible option, but there must be more.

"There's a faster, more direct way to get there, right?"

He takes two tall glasses of brightly colored mixed drinks to a couple at the other end of the bar, then comes back to answer.

"Sure, if you don't want to spend a few days or even a week of travel time, I'm sure you could pay the Solaran government office a visit. They have some transport crystals available for sale, but they're far too pricey for the normal citizen to buy."

I raise an eyebrow.

"How much?"

He shrugs while taking another person's order.

"Depends on the season, and how high in demand they are. Usually no less than 10 gold for a one-way trip, but considering all the tension lately, I wouldn't be surprised if that price tripled, or possibly more."

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