Chapter 223

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"Your guess is as good as mine. All we can do is head over and find out."

This is the response I get after asking Issac how the dungeon break could possibly be nearby when there are no monsters in sight.

I can't sense any mana disturbances at all...

I'm pretty positive the barrier around this city isn't interfering with my senses either. It's a high-level D-Class spell at best, there's no way it's messing with my mind.

We continue through the underdeveloped section of town and I murmur to myself while watching the sun completely set over the horizon.


This break is a mid-tier C-Class break, minimum. The association wouldn't have sent us out here if it was any lower, and someone from the town would have surely taken it out themselves by now.

So many things aren't adding up.

The fatigue of our long travels today is catching up to me too. My mind is getting a bit foggy and my body is more tired than usual.

I scratch my chin, thinking about it, but become distracted as troches begin to light our way and the buildings around us get much larger and shinier again.

There are 2, 3, and even 4-story shops and guild centers that start to pop up and the road beneath our camel's feet has a much more sturdy feel to it as we walk through this portion of the city.

It's only been a few minutes and there's already a drastic change in architecture and neighborhood layouts.

We approach a wide open square with many people out on the streets continuing to go about their nights trading, cooking, laughing, and sharing conversation with one another.

From what I can piece together in my fractured view of the city's layout, there are 3 sections to this 1km wide circular city.

The main square, where we entered today. That's the portion of the city with a high-density area of merchant shops, guilds, government buildings, and housing for those that work there.

The portion of the city we just walked through seems to be a lower-income area. Not quite the slums, but much more independent housing and rogue hunters that make their money elsewhere or off a black market of sorts... That's my guess anyways.

Now, lastly, the third sector of this city is the one we've just entered. It looks much smaller than the other two, but very clean, well built, higher income, and there's not as much worry in these streets as the ones we just left.

Buildings are mostly rectangular, made from either the same red brick that the office building in the main part of town was, or a lighter-colored stone similar to the hue of the desert sand. Most of the cloth and clothing used for decorations and clothing are the same red as the cloaks we're wearing.

My gaze shifts back and forth, taking in the view of the small town as Issac takes us on a sharp right turn instead of walking through the center square.

I catch a glimpse of a crowd, but can't make out what they're surrounding in the center of the courtyard-like town center.

He turns around as we make our way down a more narrow, but well-lit backroad.

"This is midtown. Believe it or not, I lived here for a few years back in the day. Come on, the Inn I usually stay at is right over here."

At this point in the day, my eyes are practically closing. The thought of a nice warm bed is slowly becoming much more important in my mind than the fact that theirs a near B-class level threat somewhere nearby...

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