Chapter 275

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My eyes dart around the small room looking for any possible ways to break free, or even narrow down where I've been taken.

Nothing appears after minutes of searching. I'm really just stuck in a bland empty room.

One thing I know for sure, once I get out here I'm not going back to the Association with open arms. This is all their fault. Withholding information and giving constant orders for worthless store credits was what I needed to do to get access to more powerful dungeons and learn more about the world.

Now, getting involved with these organizations has proven to be much more trouble than good.

I've grown exponentially, have teleportation access to the Vice City labyrinth, and wield more than enough skills to blend in wherever I need to.

Whether it's finding a home in Solara, or venturing out to one of the other regions other than Vice, they all seem much more pleasing than working like a blind slave moving forward.

I take in a deep breath and talk to myself again.

"No more following orders... and no more helping the weak... someone always takes advantage of my kindness."

Sometimes I forget why I started all of this.

I just wanted to get stronger and have fun doing it. This isn't to help people, I'm here to help myself. I only got involved with the Association because I had to. Look what that's led me to. Handcuffed in the basement of some rival organization's lair.

Or even worse, this could be the Association's doing. There's definitely of chance I was betrayed by that grey-haired regional director.

Whatever the truth is, I'll figure it out in time. Now, all signs point to getting the hell out of here and not looking back.

"But how...?"

Sitting in silence, I try to activate my magic again. I scroll down every skill on my list and not a single one activates. Each time I try, not even a hint of magic is produced. My natural mana stores have been drained to 0 and these cuffs are blocking off any ability to wield or gather in more from around me.

It feels like an invisible veil has been cast over my skin, blocking me from sensing or using mana.

"Breaking out with magic is not going to be an easy option..."

Next on my possibilities list is just sitting here and taking the beating for 14 days until my real body heals itself and wakes up. That woman says she'll kill me if I don't cooperate, but she wouldn't have gone through all this trouble to keep me alive and give me time to think if that was the case.

Little does she know, killing me is my most sought-after option. I shrug.

"I guess I'll wait."

That's exactly what I do.

An hour passes, and nothing happens at all. The room stays silent, and my mind keeps wandering to try and piece together where that woman could possibly be from.

None of the clues given so far make any sense, and thinking about it more is just making my head hurt.

Another hour goes by.

The pain from the knives in my hands hurts, but the fact that this flesh is a meaningless clone mentally dulls the pain.

Two more long hours slowly pass.

Footsteps come by my door, but trail away as fast as they came, leaving me in silence again.

"Looks like she really meant it. I'll be alone here for quite a while."

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now