Chapter 329

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The next 3 hours of training pass, bringing this session deep into the middle of the night. My real body has just finished up the Steel Tortoise and Giant Rat quests, and has moved onto some of the lower-level dungeons with easier tasks for lower rewards.

There aren't many left now, so I might as well try to speed-run the rest of the quest papers I took with me before the sun comes up. Each one will net me a few more gold, so even if it seems like mindless farming; in the end, it's worth the effort.

Back in the Minotaur Dungeon, I get ready to test out my technique with a dagger in my left hand and a copy of my newly powered-up Flame Emperor's sword in the other.

Ember speaks up as we begin venturing further into the dungeon to find a group of Minotaurs to hunt.

"I'd like to see 100 kills in a row, then we can go check out the rift."

Ember's wording of a so-called "rift" instead of just the "source" he called it before does raise some interest in my mind, but I decide to focus on the task he's given me first. With a tight grip on both weapons, my mind is absorbed in the mission ahead. Over the last 6 hours, the process of using both Demonic Energy and Mana has become much different than before.

Previously, trying to activate both at once would be as impossible as attempting to ride a bike for the first time balancing on a thin tightrope across a kilometer-wide canyon.

Although it was possible for me to brute force my way across this canyon with the metaphorical bike in my hands and disregarding the tightrope entirely. Learning how to systematically succeed in this task by mastering each step drastically improved my capabilities.

Learning to ride the bike is the first step, that is just like the action of switching the energy sources back and forth.

Then, focusing these sources of energy in certain portions of my body is like balancing atop a wire. It took lots of focus, but with my manipulation skills in both Mana and Demonic Energy, this process was expedited.

Putting both together is the final step, it's like moving forward while balancing on that thin wire. With enough practice, it will be as easy as breathing.

As long as I leave the process to my subconscious mind, and only focus on the energy itself, it is possible to feel and separate the sources. My left eye, arm, and singular pathway leading from my Demon's core are able to focus on channeling and visualizing Demonic energy, while the rest of my body continues to wield mana.

This keeps my buffs active, while allowing me to wield the Midnight Dagger and see both sources in split vision.

It took many failures before it was possible to not accidentally intertwine the two. Isolating the Demonic Energy to just a portion of my body and a fraction of my mind is the key. The less I think about it, and let the energy flow just like it did while training, the more successful each attempt becomes.

Putting these two talents of focus and balance together, it's now time to put it into action.

"Let's go fight some monsters."

I airstep forward with my black dagger coated in purple and black aura, while my sword glows dark red with flickering black flames glistening around its sides. Even though it's not the real version of the Flame Emperor's sword, the upgraded power still emanates from it at 90% of its base stats.

The first Minotaur comes into sight, and I swing my sword from a distance. A wave of flames splits it in two.

[Use Absorption]

MCP: 7,929


A window to absorb the monster's MCP shows up following its demise, but once I accept it, the notifications that follow are surprising.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now