Chapter 257

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The attack I sent out a moment ago was a bit too strong for this delicate dungeon to handle.

The white marble pillars of stone come crashing down towards us, breaking into massive pieces and filling the green sky with an incoming barrage of white-colored stone.

I create a layer of pink mana shielding around my body and air-step down towards my team as they all begin to activate their powers as well.

"A dome! We'll make a dome!"

I hear Fisher yelling at us as we all form together in a tighter circle, standing on floating earth magic from Abby's skill.

Ice, rock, and water starts to form all around us as we work together to create an impenetrable mana-imbued defense in mere seconds as the pillars of rocks come crashing down.

I contribute with a layer of rock, but my main focus is using my All-Seeing eye to gaze into the sky through our dome.

For easily a kilometer in the air, more and more pillars are breaking and adding to the avalanche coming down from the sky above.

I've started a chain reaction that doesn't look like it's going to stop until they all come crashing down.

The thick layer of floating earth magic is steady beneath our feet. I grit my teeth and wait for the first layer of stone to hit our dome of shielding.

As it gets closer, I use telekinesis and mana manipulation to slow its fall and liquify it as best I can. Unfortunately, there's way too much mass coming down toward us to move it all.

A loud crushing thud hits the top of the dome, splitting the pillar into fragments and falling to the green abyss around the shield on all sides.

"One down... and... too many to go..."

Seconds after, another loud crunching and cracking sound rattles the entire shield and shakes the ground we stand on.

More and more pillars come falling down.

I make sure to soften the blows as best I can with every passing impact.

These are just large pieces of dungeon mass after all. They're not supercharged ultra-dense mana like our shielding.

The only issue is the weight, size, and sheer amount of these falling death pillars.

Over and over, for nearly 5 minutes straight we're bombarded by rock.

Everyone is breathing heavily and holding onto their shielding for dear life. I'm most likely the only one that can sense an end in sight.

Everyone else is just biding their time and hoping for the falling stone to stop soon.

Eventually, that end comes...

The last pillar falls and breaks in two, falling down to the pale void and knocking other stone columns down on the way with it.

The dungeon goes down for quite a while. Almost as far down as it goes up actually.

Many pillars and still breaking and falling into each other far below. The echos of stone colliding sound out through the entire pocket world we stand in.

The collisions against our dome fade to nothing and not a single pillar remains above us in the sky.

I speak up.

"It's over... They've all fallen."

Through the heavy breathing and bright glowing mana, everyone slowly releases their collective shielding, and we're left standing on a single floating platform of combined magic.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now