Chapter 280

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Despite the happy sounds of my teammates unlocking their cuffs and slicing through the metal bars of the cell behind me, there's still a major issue to still be solved.

Lydia is missing.

The other presence on this floor that was masked by the cuffs happened to be this bald and bearded old man, not the white-haired katana-wielding mage I expected to see.

My mind races and I activate my enemy detection skill along with my other perception perks to scope out the floors above me. There isn't any sign of her, only more enemies.

I scoff and curse under my breath. The old man speaks as I start to turn away.

"Please, if you would be so kind as to free me too young man."

I look him in the eyes and he stares back with the same cold eyes, now with a glimmer of hope at the back of them. His wrists are bloodied and bruised, but it seems they've healed many times over. There is food and water near the back side of his cell

I respond.

"Why do they keep you around? It seems like you've been locked up for quite a while."

He gulps, giving me the hint of a thin smile.

"Wrong place at the wrong time I suppose."

I scrunch my eyebrows and tighten my lips, questioning his statement.

A loud clang sounds behind me as the last portions of metal bars crack the cement floor and my teammates start walking out. White and green light casts a glow that reflects off the old man's face. Abby is restoring everyone's wounds. I respond, intrigued by the old mans words.

"What for? There's a lot of things that aren't quite adding up here."

He replies.

"I was doing research on the Abyss. That's all it was, unfortunately. A northern section of the city links to the source, a man named number 1 found me while I was doing a few tests. He wanted my data, and I- well- I believe you can infer the rest."

I try to activate my Lie Detector skill, but it doesn't give me any readings. My eyes shift down to the magic-blocking cuffs that must be the cause of the interference. I want to believe what he has to say, but the easy thing to do would be leave him behind and not carry any extra baggage.

My teammates are the only people I care about right now.

Before I make my decision, Maria hugs me from behind.

"I knew you'd come. I knew you'd find a way!"

She's half crying and half laughing. I forget about the old man for a moment and turn around to hug her back.

Abby gives me a smile and mouths a thanks but is still busy working on Fisher's wounds. Arie walks up stretching his arms with a calm expression.

"Thanks for the save, but this is no time to celebrate. You know better than I do, we have a lot of work ahead of us. Not a single one of us is safe, and I don't even know who the enemy is."

I grit my teeth, holding Maria even tighter.

"It's everyone. The Association. Solara. Who ever this damn Inner Circle organization is. Plus... where is Lydia? Could she be tangled up in this mess too?"

Silence fills the room.

Maria steps back, catching her breath and putting a more serious look on her face.

"No. You may not know her as well as me, but Lydia wouldn't betray us. I'm sure of it."

I nod slowly, not wanting to doubt her words, but the passive perks of my lie detector skill activate, and a soft green light envelopes her body.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant