Chapter 398

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"It has a heart..."

My eyes lock onto the bright orange energy source beneath its layers of black energy manifested cloak. It avoided being hit there on purpose, so I know this is exactly where I need to land my final blow.

The moment its halves comes back together, the battle is back on instantly

I release another mana blade full of fire, and in response, the monster throws its swirling black balls of energy my way.

The Wraith doesn't bother dodging, but to conserve energy and test out what this new attack will really be, I do.

I immediately air-step back and recharge my sword with the mana in the air and dome behind me while two orbs of black swirling energy come rocketing toward me.

They pierce through the flickering flames that grow higher on the arena floor, disintegrating the red aura around them, and even putting out some of the roaring flames.

Wisps of orange seep out from the orbs as their energy is used up to extinguish the flames in their path, but the jet black core only gets faster the closer it comes to me.

I use the same strategy as before, pushing myself off the arena dome for extra momentum to face the attack full-on with a charged blade, but upon impact, I face a lot more resistance than I initially expected.

Instead of sinking through, the edge of my crimson aura reacts to the black aura in the orb like two identical magnets repelling each other.

For a moment, I stop in mid-air, and there isn't even a sound on impact.

Then I'm repelled backward and the black orbs are too.

I'm thrown back into the arena wall, but get my footing before I hit the dirt floor.

Both of the orbs follow with incredible speed, one attacking from the left and the other on the right.

I use all my might to block again, but the angles and speed of this secondary surprise attack are too awkward to perfectly line up. I manage to block and repel one with my sword as the other black orb collides into my blind spot on my upper back's left side.

There's a moment where the energy repels just like before, but on collision, the orb self-destructs and a wave of orange light erupts from inside. It is hotter, denser, and brighter than any light I've ever witnessed before.

On top of that, it's all focused on a single point as the black swirls of energy disperse into the air.

The intense sizzling and bubbling sound comes back as I turn around.

A massive hole in my Red Hydra's Aura has been burned straight through, and the smell of burnt metal in the air and plumes of smoke coming from my back signal something is very wrong...

The orange light dims, but the sensation of my own power being drained as well doesn't make me feel any better about it.

I turn and use my perception skills to see not only my aura has been burned through, but my layer of mana shielding, Salamander King's Cloak, and even a portion of my Berserker King's blood-bonded armor set.

The moment my Red Hydra's aura seeps out from my body to refill the hole in my defenses, I use the self-regeneration skill to heal the portion of bonded armor, but the burn hole in my cloak remains.

While gritting my teeth and charging my sword back up, the second orb comes flying my way in the same fashion as before.

I block it and it's repelled with a bounce that does not give off a sound at all, but out of the corner of my eye, I see the Wraith charging up two more black orbs.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now