Chapter 307

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As my gaze lifts from the outstretched hand before me, up to the shimmering silver mask of the man I was bidding against all night, I immediately go on high alert.

Activating my perception skills, I come to see his status is still blocked to me for some reason. It is only showing those odd "???Access Denied" messages next to every spot where items, skills, and buffs are meant to be. His tone while greeting me isn't hostile, and it would not be logical to pull anything too nefarious while under the roof of an event hall like this.

If we were outside or completely alone, it would be a different story.

I shake his hand and put on a professional smile to reply.

"Nice to meet you too, Number 1..."

My stomach still drops while looking at the man's intensely sharp blue eyes, but my battle experience has taught me it's best to put on a cool front at all times.

He smiles, showing perfectly straight pearly white teeth.

"The name is Lith Galeheart. I prefer not to go by number 1. So please, call me Lith."

He continues after a short pause.

"We were the top two buyers of the night. Our names will be in the public sales records anyway; there's no point in keeping secrets that will be shared eventually."

His words remind me of the warning my guide said before the auction: the top two items of the auction may be tracked because of their perceived value. I have an alias, so it doesn't matter much. Chester, on the other hand, will be linked to this sale.

I respond while releasing the grip of our firm handshake.

"Thorne. Thorne Darkwood."

I wasn't expecting to get so much mileage out of this name, but it seems my choices tonight will have much longer-lasting effects than expected.

He responds.

"Association, Inner Circle, Black Ops, or A Solo Mercenary? Who do you work for?"

My eyebrows raise higher and higher at every word that comes out of his mouth, but I instantly reply once he finishes speaking.

"Solo. I work by myself."

The tightening of his gaze makes me wonder if he really believes me or if he's able to see right through my disguise.

Now that I have a moment to think about my situation, I can't tell a thing about him, actually. With such a level of difference and lack of information, this silver-masked man is in total control of the conversation.

He reaches into a chest pocket and pulls out a thin silver piece of metal in the shape of a rectangular card. It's a few millimeters thick at most but carries some weight to it. Lith motions for me to take it.

"No matter what your actual origin is, you're a very intriguing individual, Thorne. If you're ever in the area around Valor City, know you can always get work from my guild. No strings attached."

I hesitate to grab the metal card, so he continues, sensing the tension.

"Really, no strings attached. We offer jobs asked by anonymous buyers. If it's within your capabilities, the guild will offer it. You may accept and get paid upon completion or decline without consequence."

I nod, understanding the line of business he's describing very well, but not understanding why he's explaining it to me here of all places.

I let out a sigh and accept the silver card. However, the moment I do, he turns to leave, disappearing into the crowd of people behind before I can think to get another word in. With my mouth left open, I look down at the shimmering piece of metal and let out the breath that was just about to ask him why he chose to invite me. Instead, I stay silent while reading the line-lined text over the glossy silver surface of the item.

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