Chapter 281

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Chester makes a quick glance at each of us. I'm fully on board with following him for my own selfish reasons, but I'm unsure exactly what my teammates think of him.

"I'll accept your help, but I will have a few questions for you once we make it out of here."

I give him a nod, he returns one. Then, I shift my gaze to my teammates to see their reactions. To my surprise, most of them are hardly paying attention to our deal at all.

They're all more worried about getting out of here and thankful to Abby for restoring their horrendous injuries.

Fisher stands up, looking a lot better but still as pale as a ghost. He's the first to speak.

"Let him lead the way. If this is our only clue, then so be it. Now that these cuffs are off, we can actually think straight and defend ourselves. Maybe our gear is locked up in that office too."

I examine all of them more closely, realizing their item boxes and magic items are all mostly stripped from their bodies. A few rings and pendants remain, but their weapons have all been confiscated.

My sword and dagger are kept in my dimensional storage, so I didn't think much of my replica item box being stolen from me. The contents of these storage pouches are much more valuable to them.

"Here. These should be enough for now. "

I take out a few higher-level long swords and daggers from various High-Grade C-Class dungeons for them to arm themselves in the meantime.

Arie and Abby seem to agree with Fisher's earlier statement, they look ready for war. I'm not quite sure what they've been through over the last few days, but I get the feeling they're looking for revenge. Each of them takes a pair of silver daggers, unfortunately I don't have a bow for the archer.

Maria stays close to my side and nods while picking up a long silver sword from my loot pile.

"It's alright for me. Whatever is fastest. I just want to save my training mentor."

Thankfully her cheerful attitude remains.

Fisher finds a long sword that suits him and I place the rest of the gear back into my storage. We all walk through the metal door and out into the hall.

I shift my appearance back to the blond-haired woman who tortured me. If we'll be facing the boss, I might as well get some information out of him if possible. He's expecting number 5 to report, so it would be an immediate red flag if anyone but her shows up.

I take the lead while scanning the floors above. The old man quickly follows on my left while Maria stays close to my right.

Abby, Fisher, and Arie trail behind in a triangle formation.

There are a lot more enemies that pop up on my radar. Dozens in fact, just on the floor above us.

The odd thing that sticks out to me is that there are only 2 of any considerable fighting status. One is on this floor, and another is two floors above. Various level 50 to 200 workers are scattered across the upper 3 floors.

It doesn't make much sense to have guards at such a low level when one Elite would do the trick and probably cost much less to manage. However, who am I to judge the inner workings of an enemy organization?

It takes less than 30 seconds before the guard at the end of the hall shows his face. With tan skin and short black hair, a muscular grunt pulls out a white glowing dagger. He's level 365 and has the build of a man who weighs twice as much as me.

Using appraisal, I find he has a wind-summoning skill and carries a bonded blade.

The silver pin labeled "003" shines on his shirt collar.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now