Paternal family

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There will be mention of psychological disorders, hereditary diseases, and somewhat delicate topics such as domestic violence, sexism, incest, child violence, exploitation, and abuse of authority, among similar others.

I'm not looking to offend anyone; it's just part of the lore.

Keep in mind that this is science fiction. I used information already established by science and biology; however, I added certain creative liberties, adding some extra things. I hope you understand that.

This information is what is known up to the present; other discoveries and further explanations of the lore will be made later.

Let us begin!

THE MARLETTES: (paternal lineage).


They are a distinctive and reduced race of mutants, called "psionics", being only made up of the Marlette family.

They are nomadic people, dedicated to the manufacture, repair and creation of various technologies, buildings, export of minerals around the globe, and civil protection, in constant search for new horizons.

They possess linear quirks, mostly psychic, but also kinetic and elemental. Each one being used in the process of optimizing their workspace (with a special license for its use).

They arrange marriages in order to maintain their lineage and social and economic status.

They maintain little contact with extended family members, preferring solitude and being total hermits—a behavior that has kept them from total extinction.

The oldest record of the existence of the Marlettes is from 200 years ago, in Yincaina (their country of origin).

They began as low-income individuals, seeking to emerge, beginning to push themselves beyond their limits... And with effort and good contacts, they built a path of success in construction and the search for natural minerals, all while relying on their newly appeared Quirks.

The family ended up spreading around the world with their knowledge and skills, but this knowledge did not come without trial and error.


They're a distinctive species of meta-human from the branch of mutant types, known to be largely psychic users, possessing a multitude of mental abilities and powers in various forms, such as telekinesis, extrasensory perception, teleportation, etc.

The exact number of psychic powers that an individulas possesess, is generelly one, which they can hone to use beyond its natural limits. Hoverer, there have been a couple of cases thar vary from this condition.

The exact level of usage that a psionic is capable of generating with their quirk dependes on family inheritence and the evolution of their abilities; allowing their particular quirk to act as an umbrella power for all his possible abilites, connected to it using the same energy sourse, a sourse of unknown but fundamental and universal "fuel" for the race. They are born with such energy; they cultivate it; they have offspring; they die; and the primordial energy in them returns to the source, subsequently becoming part of the energetic fuel of their offspring. And the "fuel" that the offspring is able to access will depend entirely on the number of psionic cells in them and the quirk that they'll manifest, since certain quirks benefit more than others in the lineage.

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