Childhood: Part one

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Thanks to her delicate health, Jordan wasn't placed in a daycare... Her first years of life were spent at home, in routine medical check-ups, in addition to being tutored by her own parents and cared for by Recovery Girl in a private way.

The presence of the heroine and all the times she saw her help both her mother and herself began to inspire her, leading her to seek to learn beyond simple first aid.

Her young age made it difficult for her to understand and face serious diagnoses. However, Chiyo took care of giving her basic lessons.

In addition to starting to learn basic nursing, speaking fluent Japanese, cooking, and playing with her family, the girl loved going for walks with her mother whenever she could.

On these outings, Jordan spent her time coloring or reading outdoors, watching the other children play, since her condition didn't allow her to exert herself too much physically.

Margareth was worried, although she wasn't closed to the idea of her daughter sharing with other children since she was surrounded by adults and needed to meet more people her age. So she tried to give security to the little girl, with the idea of not repressing her and making her share with others.

(Everything mentioned happens with her and the other minors present, THEY ARE BETWEEN 3-5 YEARS OLD, even without their quirks. Keep in mind that children at that age have a basic or almost zero understanding of their surroundings; they are impressionable and innocent, but I will expand his vocabulary and deepen his reflections as such to make the events more understandable)

At this point, she had been frequenting the park for at least 2 weeks, so she became familiar with the group of children present there, but this familiarity was from a distance.

They were led by an energetic blonde, who was always accompanied by a quartet of kids, although the one who stood out the most out of those 4 companions was a fearful green-haired boy called Midoriya Izuku.

She would begin to form a friendship with him, which made it easier for her to socialize with other kids.

That little boy was somewhat clumsy, frequently getting hurt while playing with the others, and managed to worry Jordan enough that she went to help him with his scrapes or bruises and even invited him for a snack or coloring.

The actions that the girl had with Midoriya caught the attention of the group to which he belonged, because they were used to Izuku following them everywhere, and seeing him with someone else seemed curious to them. So they decided to approach and see what was going on.

And surprisingly, they'll be received happily by the little girl, getting the same attention that she gave to the green-haired boy.

It was overwhelming, but certainly enjoyable.

They didn't understand why she was always so isolated when she could be so sociable, loving, and energetic. It wasn't hard for her to get along with them, as she was willing to play and learn, although she became very distracted and was physically and immunologically delicate.

Her clumsiness and fragility earned ridicule at first, however, when they realized that these incidents were really hurting her fragile body, and she told them about her degenerative illness (this added to the intervention of their mothers, who heard about her from their children, have seen and interacted with her when they went to pick them up, and have talked with Margareth, hearing first-hand about the diagnosis of the kid, is that they decided to explain to their children in a basic and direct way, that they should be careful and attentive to Jordan due to her delicate health) made them stop taking what was happening to her lightly, trying not to hurt her and help her, including the blonde, who, despite being rough, was not so rough with her (mitsuki, his mother, made him understand in her own way, but he understood anyway).

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