Episode 7: An electriyfing departure

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—Oh, look, they're back— Ashido comments.

Midoriya approaches the pair.

—Jo-chan, are you okay?—the green-haired boy asks gently.

The brunette stops drinking her soda and gives Midoriya a smile, while her tail wags happily.

Izuku shares her smile.

Bakugou smashes a soda bottle into the green-haired boy's chest.

—A-ouch— Deku complains, but grabs the object.

—Drink it or I'll kill you— The blonde threatened with a grimace typical of his, causing Deku to clumsily open the soda and drink it shakily, provoking some amusement from the others.

After sharing the drinks, a few moments of silence passed... Until Kirishima turns his attention to Jordan.

—Hey...Jordan-chan— the black-haired guy calls, approaching the aforementioned.

— Mmm? — She turns to look at him with curiosity.

—I'm sorry for being rude; I shouldn't have looked at your scar that way. I hope you can forgive me...— Eijiro apologized again, bowing slightly, but was stopped by the brunette.

—Don't worry about that; you were just curious— the brunette tells him in a relaxed and sweet tone, caressing his head like a puppy, causing his cheeks to burn slightly.

—Would you give me your contact number? I'd like for us to continue talking... We could even go out one of these days to get some fresh air and talk—the black-haired boy suggests cheerfully, giving a friendly smile.

—It sounds good to me, Kirishima-kun! Let me look for my phone—Jordan answers happily, starting to search her pocket.

Eijiro blushed again to hear her accept so quickly, managing only to laugh nervously and take out his own cell phone.

He always wanted to be this direct with people—something that was a bit difficult for him before due to receiving ridicule thanks to his desire to be a hero with such a simple quirk. However, he wanted to be someone different, and he was taking the first steps toward being the person he really wants to be.

Ashido suddenly lights up with joy.

She knew what her friend Eijiro had been through, and seeing him be social like this, without hesitation and smiling from ear to ear, made her feel proud. However, she couldn't help her annoying friend's instincts.

The pink-haired girl lets out a playful but loud giggle and looks suspiciously and amusedly at Kirishima, moving her eyebrows up and down playfully.

The black-haired boy ends up blushing more, somewhat embarrassed that Mina was so indiscreet.

—Let's keep in touch— Jordan offers cheerfully, giving the boy her number. She was completely naive to the fact that Ashido embarrassed him.

Kirishima wouldn't respond; he'd just smile awkwardly again, feeling a pair of sharp glances staring at the back of his neck.

Shoto and Katsuki stared at him, the blonde being the one who ended up bursting in anger.

—Why should shitty hair be the one asking for Tsunoneko's number?! Why doesn't the pink one do it first?! — Bakugou complains, looking at Eijiro suspiciously.

{Damn piece of shit! Can't he leave Tsunoneko alone?! WHAT PART OF HER BEING MY SIDEKICK DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!}

—It only occurred to me before... Did you want me to ask for yours first? — Kirishima responds, smiling.

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