Episode 6: Empathy.

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—I can call her whatever the fuck I want, be it peculiar, special, or whatever shitty adjective you're spitting out!—Bakugou growls.

{I'm losing my damn patience}.

Ashido raises her hands in peace, fearing an explosion.

—They're just nicknames, right? There's no need to get angry—the pink-haired girl was nervous.

{He's so intense...}

—I don't care enough about that nonsense to get angry; don't assume things ahead of time, raccoon eyes. — Katsuki responds curtly, contradicting himself.

Jordan would let out a light sigh and droop her ears, somewhat saddened.

She knew clearly that he hid his real feelings from others because of his pride; however, hearing him call those names that were given, especially for one other "stupid," hurt her.

{Why do you have to say things like that in front of others?}.

Katsuki noticed what he did to her almost instantly, feeling remorse.

{Damn it, don't make that face; you know it's not true!}

Ashido glances at the brunette out of the corner of her eye... noticing her frown.

— Are you sure you don't mind, Bakugou? — The pink-haired girl places her gaze on the blonde again, sounding a little more serious.

—Where do you want to get to?— he asks.

Mina smiles.

—... Could I and Kirishima-kun use that cute nickname to refer to Jordan-chan? ...after all, you said that you don't care enough about those things to get angry... So...—Ashido challenges, smiling.

Bakugou feels his face burn with anger.

—You are not calling her that, not even in your damn dreams!! No one but me should do it!! You guys don't know Tsunoneko half as well as I do; she doesn't trust shitty extras, and she'll never trust anyone as much as she trusts me; I'm her damn hero!! So, no!! You have no right to call me Suki, much less call her by the nickname I gave her!—Katsuki exclaimed loudly, sounding territorial.

The brunette looks at the blonde with genuine surprise.

He realizes everything he just blurted out, and his cheeks burn furiously.

{Why now damn it?! Why did I have to say that just now?!}.

Ashido smiles. She got what he wanted.

Katsuki directs his gaze at the pink-haired girl, wanting to roast her with explosions right there. After all, she cornered him into lying in order to get her to shut her mouth, only to subsequently force him to admit the truth out loud for the sheer anger she caused him.

{I despise you so much, you disgusting raccoon...!!}

Bakugou manages to walk away from the scene furiously, entering a dead-end hallway and letting out another primal scream.

Mina bursts out laughing and grabs Jordan for balance.

—I had no idea it could be this fun to annoy him— the pink-haired girl said amidst laughter.

The brunette was frowning somewhat, but a smile escaped her lips. The heat on her face and the small movement of her tail made her feelings for what Katsuki said more noticeable.

—Try not to make him lose his patience like that again... Otherwise, he'll have you more than 10 meters away every time you try to talk to him— Jordan told her, letting out a soft sigh.

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