Family adversities

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After the birth of their daughter Jordan, the family faced problems when the girl suddenly fell ill, worrying Margareth and Eugine.

Margareth, with health problems, saw how her immune system failed, worsening her immunodeficiency disorder.

Despite this, she focused on using her quirk to try healing her daughter by transmitting nutrients through breast milk, although without success due to the rejection of the girl's immune system towards her interventions.

Eugine, for his part, cared for both of them and sought information about their lineages with the intention of finding a solution to their situation, all while working hard.

And one night, when he had to do remote work and stay up until the wee hours of the morning, his daughter suddenly started breathing shallowly.

Worried, he went to check on her and realized that the minor had a fever and was losing oxygen due to breathing problems, so he acted quickly by taking her to the hospital, where she was treated in time for newly developed pneumonia.

His quick action saved the girl's life but left an even greater fear of losing her.

And worse for him, this would not be the worst of his problems.


The Marlette family's reputation would suffer again, this time at the hands of Ethan, who clandestinely introduced technology and minerals to scientists.

However, the authorities discovered the illegal business and took important people to jail.

Ethan was captured by the organization he worked for and tortured, but managed to subdue his captors and revealed that his family was to blame for the information leak (which was a lie; he just wanted to get rid of them).

And to prove his loyalty to his superiors, Ethan had to kill his wife and mother, who suffered a terrible fate.

Subsequently, he burned down the home he shared with his wife and the mental asylum where his mother resided, killing both innocent people and colleagues who were sent with him to ensure that he successfully completed the mission and then getting rid of him.

After completing what he was ordered, he confronted the high command about the apparent attack they had against him. He showed his loyalty, but they left an easy opportunity for those who wanted his head.

They had to compensate him, or else their families would end up like his, and he would reveal all available information to the authorities so that they could completely put an end to the organization.

To say the least, he left his superiors against a rock and a hard place.

He had already proven to be capable of escaping from prison, manipulating his companions, and being cold-blooded. That, and his varied history, led his bosses to conclude that it was better to have him on their side than against them. So, they made a pact.

They would give him three favors in exchange for all this being forgotten.

And Ethan, without hesitation, accepted.

First, he requested that all traces of his existence be erased and that his tracks be covered. Second: that his family be eliminated, except for his younger brother's wife, whom he wanted to have under his power.

And third, that he be given a new identity.

Ethan planned to manipulate his younger brother's wife into becoming his prisoner, but he knew she was strong and cunning. However, he was determined to force her to be his, even if it meant incapacitating her so she couldn't escape.

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