Episode 5: Quirks.

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—You're not introducing yourself? — Shoto asks.

—Why should I waste my time on that? They're just extras—Katsuki sputters.

—Suki, how do you expect people to know who you are if you don't introduce yourself? Your heroic actions could be attributed to others if you don't give a name to locate you with—Jordan said, looking with some reproach but certain sweetness at the blonde.

Bakugou thinks for a moment. And he sighs, crossing his arms.

{Damn it, tsunoneko!}.

— My name is Bakugou Katsuki, and I'll be the next number one hero—the blonde roughly presents himself.

Ashido and Eijiro stared at him for a moment. No words were said.

— What? Too much to process for your tiny brains? — He poked fun at them, smiling arrogantly.

— No, it's just that... Jordan-chan called you Suki... And, well, I didn't know if she was telling you that she liked you, if that's a nickname, or if that's your name. Although they called you Katsuki a few times— Mina responded, somewhat confused, speaking rapidly and making Izuku a bit dizzy, while leaving Shoto confused.

Bakugou is irritated that his presentation was ignored, but he looks askance at Jordan and at him, having the same thought in mind: "Here we go again."

— Well, you see, Suki is a nickname; I gave it to him when we were children, and at that age, I didn't take into account that some words can mean other things when pronouncing them—she admits this with an amused smile.

— Don't you confuse people with that? — Kirishima asks.

— It is fun to see the uncertainty on the faces of idiots who ask—answers the blonde, laughing between his teeth with certain malice, giving a very direct hint to the duo in front of him, which they didn't get, irritating Katsuki more.

{They are incompetent even when taking hints!}.

— It can be stressful at times...— Jordan admits, lowering her gaze shyly.

— I can imagine calling him that on the street and making them think you're confessing... or even that you're a loving couple, — Ashido said, amused.

Hearing the latter would make both friends feel the blush increase drastically on their faces, a reaction that does not go unnoticed by the group.

K:{Shut up, morons, we're not there yet!}.

J:{ don't say that kind of thing; it's embarrassing...}

— Well yeah, but you learn to live with it,— the brunette manages to say, smiling timidly and looking askance at the blonde, who looked even more distressed than her.

J:{ Suki won't be able to resist his anger for much longer}

K:{I'm going to roast them}.

— Katsuki makes people who approach Jordan explode; the misunderstandings have been decreasing over time due to that— Shoto said with his usual expressionless tone, breaking the tension of the moment.

— T-true, many incidents like this have happened; that's why people prefer not to even ask—Izuku continued, wanting to divert the topic and succeeding in distracting Mina.

Meanwhile, the blonde had been lost in his thoughts, some anecdotes from elementary and middle school coming to mind (confusing people with the nickname his "sidekick" gave him, even more so when people saw them kiss every time he got hurt), and Eijiro thought about something too.

— ... Hey, Bakugou... Since you said that about wanting to be the number one hero... What will you do if someone else with that ambition crosses your path to get what you want? — The boy asks.

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