Moving forward

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With Jordan already training hard in the gym and stabilizing her emotions, her father focused on creating a set of specific devices for the use of the aforementioned.

He knew that electrically charged objects caused some terror for his daughter, thanks to her time at Masutafu Hospital. But a way was needed to keep the times she lost control in public at bay.

He used an electroshock collar for a time in his life to "improve" his behavior, and he understood that it was painful, frustrating, and more, but it was the gentler option compared to oxygen-deprivation collars, which caused permanent brain damage. So, on this occasion, the object he'd create would cause minimal damage; its only function would be to prevent the girl from harming herself or others with her quirk. He'd mention the idea to the little girl, and she agreed, becoming excited by the opportunity to use her abilities with less risk of hurting others.

Knowing his own mental abilities, family history, experience with similar quirks, and his daughter's abilities, he began manufacturing the items he had in mind, deciding not to make them too complex for Jordan to handle and that they were to her liking, taking into account the affection he has for his daughter.

A compact jewelry set (a choker, rings for her horns, bracelets, tiara, and earrings).

There were several prototypes of these devices, many of which exploded before the estimated time limit.

But he wouldn't give up, continuing his hard work until he finally obtained those neutralizing devices in a stable way.

He still had to review them week by week in order to optimize them, but they turned out better than expected.

The function of the objects is precisely to neutralize Jordan's powers. How was this achieved, and why are there so many devices? Well...

The wristbands serve the function of detecting Jordan's heart rate, warning with a gentle alarm if it's too fast, a sign that her quirk could be activated.

The rings on her horns are responsible for regulating the power of the quirk when used offensively.

The choker would detect the levels of psychic energy used, alerting through a flashing light if the recommended limit was exceeded.

The tiara will release electrical shocks that pass through the electromagnetic waves of the girl's brain in emergency cases, inducing an automatic and painless fainting if the warnings are ignored, diverting electricity and psychic energy to the ground in order to prevent the surroundings from affecting the girl.

And the earrings are a communicator, which is activated when it recognizes that the owner faints, sending an alert to communicators with the same radio frequency as the earrings, with the aim of being distributed to people close to the girl and that can help her.

The problem was that, once the devices were put on, it'd be dangerous for anyone other than her father (another psychic user) to try to remove them because anyone else would receive the same shock as the little girl when she got out of control.

Thus, little Jordan, at 5 years old, got her first set of support items. It was certainly painful to use them at first, but they helped since she didn't leave disasters when she lost control at school, and she slowly learned to handle herself optimally without the need for the objects to warn her.

She could only take it off while in the gym, because there she was allowed to do and undo whatever she wanted.

Neither of them would know, but the existence of these devices gave rise to the future creation of Jordan's hero suit.

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