Breaking point.

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Meanwhile, little Jordan and her friends had their adventures (including helping people in everyday situations... but usually getting into trouble, for street intimidation thanks to Katsuki's temper, for intervening in robberies without permission to use their quirks, destruction of material means in their pranks and multiple misunderstandings thanks to the girl's naivety), her mother would suffer due to her health in silence.

Since her daughter cured her of that infection in the hospital and she continued her treatment with Chiyo, she managed to continue her life with reduced complications regarding her health; however, her immune system, affected by her unstable genetic mutation, began to fail, playing against her again.

After months of enduring this, Margareth asked for help from Chiyo (who had stopped seeing her so frequently), on the condition of maintaining discretion. She didn't want to worry her family; they had already been through enough, and she didn't want to be a burden.

The healing heroine was eaten away from the inside by hiding things from her apprentice, but it was for her own good; she was still little, and she had already been through enough. However, the old woman didn't doubt that the kid would notice what was happening to her mother sooner or later.

The woman underwent various tests, which wouldn't help her case much.

The mutation that generated the lady's immunodeficiency was more latent than ever. And with this, medicines would be prescribed for her various symptoms, calming the ailments at times but not curing her condition. Because it was genetic and very similar to her daughter's (with an autoimmune disorder), it was almost impossible to predict what kind of abnormalities it could cause in her body, thus leaving her adrift.


The years went by quickly. The quartet was already in high school.

Shoto, Jordan, Katsuki, and Izuku were inseparable, especially the brunette and the blonde, who, a while ago, started sharing matching rings, a gift that Bakugou gave the girl as a "sign of loyalty" (present of his 8th birthday, 6 years having passed since then, in which the rivalry of the blonde and the bi-color-haired boy increased enormously after the gift's delivery).

Even though Shoto and the trio didn't go to the same high school, they all saw each other frequently after classes, training together, or just hanging out.

Things were going perfectly fine—or that was what they thought.

During that time, Margareth's health declined again, and she treated herself in secret, receiving erroneous diagnoses and multiple medications.

Until one day, she just collapsed.

She had to be admitted to the hospital quickly, and after being checked once again, they detected kidney cancer in her.

Kidney tumors can spread to other organs or distant lymph nodes. This is called a "metastatic disease." In the disease, the main tumor, in this case located in the kidney, is known as the "primary tumor," and the others growing in other organs are called metastasis (it can spread to the bones, lungs, and brain too).

Generally, the condition cannot be cured, but with certain treatments, the size of the primary tumor and metastasis can be reduced, allowing the person to live longer and with fewer symptoms.

However, some methods were already ruled out.

One of these was the removal of the infected organ, presenting too high a risk, as the lady would be left without functional kidneys, needing hemodialysis or an urgent kidney transplant in return, which would probably take an indeterminate amount of time on arrival, and that's what mostly worked against them: time.

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