𝐗𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧

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𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧

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𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧

April 3rd 1536 

"Lady Rochford it's nice to see you again" Margaret sends a smile to her brothers wife "Have you seen my dear older brother"

"I have not, I was pulled away from my duties early this morning" Jane Rochford admits looking down to the ground.

"Did my sister send you away, Jane? I could speak with her, you are our sister in law" Margaret paused as she looked at her sister in law, Jane was a few years older then Margaret and her and George had been wed while Margaret was in france. When She arrived in England Jane was one of the first people to welcome her with open arms. And since then the two had grown close. So Margaret knew When her sister in law was hiding something or when she was scared.

"Has My brother harmed you" Margaret asked not wanting to even ask that knowing, well hoping her brother would never do such things "Jane can you answer my question before I go hunt my brother down for something i don't know is true or not"

"George has not harmed me"

Margaret let out a sigh of relief as she looked Jane up and down "Then what has happened why do you look scared. Or the fact you are hiding something. There is nothing you need to hide from me we have known each other for years and we are family"

"His majesty had me questioned" Jane admitted knowing she shouldn't have "About the Queen"

Margaret's heart dropped as she heard this "Wh- what do you mean questioned, Jane can you or can you not tell me the full of this"

"I am sure everyone in england will hear by the end of the week, rumours travel fast especially when they are true" Jane whispers "His majesty has 

had a few of the queens ladies questioned today, I think an investigation on Anne has started"

Margaret nodded her head waiting to hear more.

"They asked me about your brother and sisters relationship"

Margaret thought back to the time where Jane Seymour had claimed that George and Anne were somewhat more than siblings and she knew that it wasn't true. But here was George's wife saying that Henry had people ask her about it.


"And what Margaret"

"And what did you say, did you tell whoever asked you the question that they have done nothing. They are siblings not l-lovers"

"Margaret I told the truth"

"So you said that they were siblings and nothing more"

Jane took a step closer to Margaret as she stayed put "I told the truth, that George has been seen in and out her graces chambers late at night"

Margaret shakes her head as she took a step back, she started slowly feeling sick. If her own brother's wife was saying this then Henry and anyone who heard the rumour would truly believe it.

"Margaret I am sorry but it is what I saw and it is the truth" Jane tried to defend herself as Margaret turned around and made her way away from her sister in law


April 4th 1536

Margaret couldn't asleep how could she, Henry had started a investigation on her sister. Meaning that he could and most likely annul his marriage with Anne.

Margaret huffed as she got out her bed, by the time the sun rises she had only slept a few hours. And even then she still couldn't help but worry about the fact Henry believed that her siblings were involved with one another. And maybe the possibility that she was involved with her own brother.

She felt Disgust as she thought about that. George would never, Anne would never and Margaret would never to something like that.

Margaret dressed herself as she let her hair down, she hardly ever wore her hair down her natural waves were somtimes to much. In France she would always wear her hair down. But England was not France. France was always bright and beautiful and we'll England it was always dull even in spring.

She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. Why was it always like this, why did she always find herself needing to go to Henry and start an argument over nothing. But in truth this was something much bigger than her and Henry. It was her family's downfall she had to make sure did not happen. If Anne and Henry were to annual than they would all be ruined.


Anne smiled as Arthur walked into her chambers. With all her lady's watching her closely especially one that hated her Jane Seymour.

"Arthur come come" Anne smiled as she took a seat at the table near her window, Arthur doing the same but across from his childhood friend.

"What's gotten you all happy and bright Anne" Arthur asked almost immediately as he realised "Anne you cannot be drunk it's not even afternoon"

"I've had a few drinks only to get rid of my sorrows"

He shaked his head as he heard the doors open to see the younger Boleyn woman walking in. Margaret wore a light blue dress styled in the French way and had her hair down so her waves showed.

"Margaret my sweet sister" Anne cheered as Margaret gave a glare at her sisters lady's knowing everyone of them had been spoken to. Margaret then walked over to the table as she took a seat "Sweet baby sister"

Margaret ignored her sister as she turned to Arthur "She cannot be drunk Arthur she's the Queen"

"I only got here a few minutes ago" Arthur states as he looks at Anne then back to Margaret.

"I am right here" Anne snaps"Im fine and I'm happy right now if you are both going to speak about me then leave"

"Anne you cannot do this not now and not anymore" Margaret whispers as she places her hand on her sisters "Listen to me cannot say the full of it but something might happen like what happened to Catherine"

It was as Anne sobered up hearing the late Queens name "What do you mean"

She asked as she straightened herself "Margaret"

"I think he may annul you" Margaret admits as Arthur sighs "And if he does that I also think he might try name young Elizabeth as a bastard"

"Just as he did Mary"

Margaret nods "I have asked him even begged him so many times not to do that"

"If he does do that it is not like he could wed you" Arthur spoke up as both Boleyn's turn to him "Perhaps there is someone he has set aside as he had Anne"

Margaret didn't want to believe any of this but she and even Anne agreed with Arthur "I cannot disagree with you Arthur, he claims to love me like he did with Anne"

"And look how that turned out sister" Anne adds "It must be Mistress Seymour"

"He said he wouldn't even be seen with her but he never said he'd stop seeing her" Margaret mutters "Father has risked to much as we have to get here. And I will not have any one destroy my family or hurt my son"

"Margaret" Arthur mumbles as Margaret gets up.

"Sister don't let your anger take over, not as it did with me so many times"

Margaret hesitated before taking a seat back down
She loved Henry and she would do so much for him. But it was her family she would do anything for no matter the cost.

An Short semi chapter before all the real drama starts

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