The arcade

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Hello, Lando said with a smile on his face. Whats ur name? 'Jade' i said nervously. 'Nice to meet you Jade, im Lando'. I hate that im very awkard and i am also very nervous right now and that combo does not work out good for me. I look at the clock, nice its 11 pm so my shift is over. 'im sorry but my shift just ended and i am very tired' I say. 'Oh please dont leave me now' Lando said almost begging. 'Let me atleast buy you a drink' before i could say something he asked René for 2 long islands. i sat down, 'so Lando, what brings you here?' i ask trying to get the conversation going. 'i actually dont know' Lando said laughing. 'i was driving around saw this bar and thought it looked nice, especially with the christmas lights and stuff. His smile is so pretty, i could look at it for hours. 'we were just to lazy to take them down'i say giggeling. 'but now i know that i have to keep them up. He looks at me and slowly puts his hand on my lap. Shit what do i do? 'i think that i am gonna go home, im very tired' i say 'but it was very nice talking to you!' i walk away and give him a smile.

when i arrive home the gult inmidiatly kicks in. Why do i have to be such a pussy when i get nervous? i literally had a chance with Lando fucking Norris and i completly blew it. i have to tell Oscar tomorrow about what happend. 'Oscarrr lets meet tomorrow at my apartment at 2, then later we could go to the arcade or something.' Oscar instantly read it, he always replies really fast. 'sounds good to me' he said. See you tomorrow! i decide that i will go to sleep because i actually am tired.

I wake up to my doorbell ringing, Shit did i sleep till 2? i open the door and see Abbi standing there. 'hey girlll!'she said while giving me a hug ' im sorry that i woke you up, but i ran out of milk so i wanted to borrow some of yours.' she said while already walking to the frigde. 'u can go back to sleep now, love youuu byee' she said while closing my front door. I try to go to sleep again but my mind just keeps thinking about last night. Because i can't sleep i decide to go and freshen up.


I open the door and give Oscar a hug 'hiii come inn!' 'i have to tell you so much!' After i told the whole story Oscars reply was 'wowww' he's always so dry when it comes to replying but he is a very good listener. 'well do you want me to introduce you to Lando?' 'I already introduced myself dumbass' 'and i think that it wil be very awkard if we ever meet again'. 'you wanna go to the arcade?' i quickly ask Oscar to distract my mind from Lando. 'I will pay, for celebration of your f1 career'. 'lets fucking go' Oscar says exited. I know how much he likes arcades, he has liked it since he was a little boy.

when we arrive we first do some motorracing which he wins ofc and then play a game of air hockey. I won at 7-3. 'lets do some basketball, i bet that i will win' he said. Lets do it. First he went and he almost scored everything, which was pretty impressive. Then it was my turn. I trew the first ball: miss, second: miss, third: miss. I kept missing everything. Suddently i heard a voice saying : 'yooo she sucks! let me help you'. When i turn around i see Lando standing right next to me with some friends. 'no fucking way!! you are the girl from the bar!' he said shocked 'why didn't you tell me you knew my boy Oscar? 'i uhm dont know, i was kinda overwelmed haha' I say. Okay Jade, i think, you gotta stop being a pussy and just talk to him like a normal person! 'so you are so confident that you can do better?' i say while pointing at the basketball game. 'show me.' he looks at me for a bit and said 'if i get 10 or more, i can have your number. deal?' 'Deal' i say. He maneged to get 8 balls in but he wasn't so bad at the game. 'you can still have my number' i say to him smiling. After i gave him my number he introduced me to his friends. Guys this is Jade, Jade this is : Charles, Alex and Max. we chatted for i while and i ended up getting their numbers aswell. it was getting late so we decided to go to Lando's house.

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