a film marathon

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when i wake up i see a text from Kika: "heyy wanna do something today?" i text back "ofcourse! what did you have in mind?" 'we could watch a film?' 'AAA LETS DO ITT' i text back.'i do have to work today but my shift starts at 9 so we have the whole day. '12 at mine?' i ask, 'AA im so exited!!' Kika texts back, She is one of the nicest people i've ever met tbh. 

I went to the store,  got alot of food, lighted some candles and threw alot of blankets onto my sofa.

I went to the store,  got alot of food, lighted some candles and threw alot of blankets onto my sofa

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When i was putting the popcorn into the microwave i heard the doorbell. 'Kikaaaaa!!!' i say exited. 'JADEEE'. 'You are right on time!' 'the popcorn is in the microwave!'

When i put the popcorn on the table Kika asked. 'okay but girl, whats going on between you and Lando?' she said with a sneaky smile on her face. "i dont know to be honest, i do have feelings for him tho." Kika is like one of those people you can't keep a secret from. I explained everything and she was so happy for us. 

'Wanna watch the hunger Games?' I ask after getting the drinks. 'ofcourse i do!'

We loved the first film so much that we had a marathon because we needed to know what happend next. "Shit! my shift starts in half an hour!" "but i dont wanna leave you Kik" i say sadly.

'Should i come with you?' Kika asked. 'Aaaaa please do!'. 

Kika quickly went to her house and changed and i went to the bar.

When i was pouring some drinks i saw Kika walking in, but not alone. She brought Pierre and Lando! 

When Kika saw me she gave me a wink and walked up to me. 

'Kikaaaa!' i say while hugging her.

'i could'nt stop myself from bringing him' Kika said teasingly.

they sat down at a table and Kika ordered some drinks.

I noticed that Lando kept looking at me while i was serving others.

It was kinda quiet, i think there was 20 people including them. So i had time to talk to them. I got to know Pierre better too, which i was suprised with how kind he was.

After everyone was gone they came and sat down at the bar. My colleagues already went home.

I gave them some drinks and we started chatting. "so how did you two meet?" Pierre asked us like we are a couple. "it actually was here!' I said "but we didn't talk much. "yeah, you left me so fast" Lando said giggeling. "I was nervous!" i say wile laughing. 

Kika and Pierre had to go because they had an event the next morning and they wanted to go to bed early.

I heard the noice that the dishwasher was done so i walked towords to kitchen.

But when i got to the door i felt a hand pulling me backwards.

I turn around and Lando inmidiatly kisses me. He shoves me against the wall and starts kissing me agressively. "i have waited the whole night to do this" Lando wispered in my ear.

 He slowly started to go down to my neck and started kissing it. 

He felt so desperate, i could feel that he had been waiting.

He suddently picked me up and layed me down on the bar. 

He climbed on top of me and started to agressively kiss me again. I could'nt breath, he felt so good. 

He put his hand under my shirt and unhooked my bra, "lets not do that here" i wisper in his ear.

"want to go to my appartment?' i ask him.

we arrived at mine and when i opend the door Lando picked me up again. He did it so effortlessly it felt like i weighted like 15 pounds.

I got thrown onto the bed and he inmidiatly started heavy kissing me again.

Then suddently he stopped.

"Lando, dont do this to me" i said while still breathing heavily.

He looked at me with a grin on his face and started kissing my thigh and went al the way up.

When he got to my stomache he stopped and pulled of my shirt. 

Then he took of his pants and climbed over me.

When it went inside i gasped, "sssshh" Lando said wispering in my ear.

It felt like time just stopped, it was only us.

He was so agressive but passionate at the same time.

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