03: Harmless

3.9K 133 14

Word Count: 2800

"What brings you to this little corner of the playground?" I asked as I approached Rosé, perched on a seat outside our apartment complex.

She seemed surprised by my sudden appearance, her expression slightly startled. "Oh, nothing much."

"If it's nothing, then why do you look so lost?" I inquired, placing my hand on my hip and giving her a scrutinizing gaze.

After a few seconds of silence, she let out a deep sigh. "It's really nothing, I promise."

My eyes fell upon her university uniform, and I noticed a few strands of fur clinging to the back of her coat. "Hold on a second. There's fur all over your uniform. Were you playing with a dog or a cat?"

Rosé flinched and quickly denied my assumption. "No, I wasn't playing with any animals. I, uh, just helped a cat that was stuck in a tree."

Ah, so she had been helping a cat, after all.

I couldn't help but notice the scratches on her knees and shoes, evidence that she must have stumbled while rescuing the feline. "I see what happened. Stay right here. Don't even think about moving."

Before she had a chance to meet my gaze again, I dashed away, determined to retrieve some first aid supplies and water.


A few minutes later, I returned, carrying a first aid kit and a bottle of water. I knelt down in front of Rosé, setting the items down on the bench beside me.

"Rosie, take off your tights," I stated matter-of-factly while unscrewing the cap on the bandages.

She looked at me with a mix of confusion and disbelief. "Excuse me?"

I rolled my eyes in frustration at her reaction. "Don't give me that look. Here, use my blazer to cover yourself. I'll turn around so you can take them off. First, I'll ice your ankle, then apply a compress."

Relieved, she took the blazer I offered, using it to cover herself. "How did you figure it out?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"One of your shoes was halfway off, and you haven't even attempted to stand up. Spraining your ankle while saving a cat? That's such a cliché," I commented with a smirk.

"Okay, enough teasing," she scowled at me.

"Fine," I muttered, turning away so she could remove her tights. "Hurry up and take them off so I can see the injury."

She didn't say another word, simply continuing to remove her tights.


After applying some bandages and a plaster to her swollen ankle, I pressed an ice pack against it.

"How does it feel?" I asked in a soft voice, my concern evident.

"It's a bit better," she responded, her voice slightly relieved.

"Now it's time for the compress. Just don't go calling me a pervert or anything," I warned, gently lifting her foot onto a towel.

"I would never say something so rude to my savior," she defended herself with a small smile.

"Good to know," I replied, as I began compressing her ankle, eliciting a slight wince from her.

"You're surprisingly skilled at this," she remarked, a hint of surprise in her voice.

"I can at least handle injuries," I grinned, adding, "Cooking, on the other hand? Not my forte."

Rosé let out a small laugh at my response, and I couldn't help but smile brightly at the sound.

The Angel Next Door (Rosé X Female Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant