Bonus: 06

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Lately, Rosé had been spending basically every weekend at your place. She gave a very characteristic explanation that she was concerned about your unhealthy lifestyle. But the truth was that she actually just wanted to be with the person she liked.

Of course, it was important to both of you to have your alone time, and she understood that she needed to use some restraint, so she never barged in uninvited. She secretly, but attentively, observed and checked your reactions to make sure that you weren't bothered or annoyed by her presence whenever you were together.

Happily, you never chided her for being in your home. You welcomed her in as if it was the most natural thing, and you actually smiled when you saw her. Sometimes, she worried she might be getting the wrong ideas.

"How simpleminded do I have to be to get this happy just from paying you a visit?" Rosé laughed at herself a little, and sure enough, her expression softened as she did. She slapped her cheeks lightly to gather herself and compose her face.

Then, using her spare key, Rosé entered your apartment. She stepped into the entryway but didn't hear a sound. Her first thought was that you might be napping in your room, but then she saw that your sneakers were missing. It took her another moment to realize you had gone out.

If Rosé had to say, she would have described you as a homebody, so it was unusual for you to go out at that hour. She was half-surprised and half-worried, unsure of what to do next.

"I wonder if it's alright for me to relax here without asking. I'd be the only one here, too..." she mumbled to herself.

But then, you reassured her, saying, "You're welcome to go on in, even if I'm not home. It's not like you would do anything bad, Rosé."

She hesitated for a moment and asked, "I wouldn't, but are you sure you approve of me going into your private space on my own?"

You chuckled and replied, "You want to go in my bedroom?"

"No, that's not what I mean, but... you're not worried that I might go in, that I might see something?"

You reassured her, saying, "Even if you did go in, there's nothing in there, so I'm not worried about it. But I don't think you're the type to go snooping in my bedroom, so feel free to relax in the living room whenever you want."

Even though you had already talked about it beforehand, it was still another person's home, and Rosé was a little-more than a little-hesitant.

You usually contacted each other if you were going to be out late, so based on the fact that you hadn't gotten in touch, she didn't think that you would be gone for very long.

There shouldn't be anything wrong with just waiting inside for a little while. Feeling guilty that Rosé might be doing something she wasn't supposed to, she timidly removed her shoes and stepped into the living room.

The place felt very still and quiet with no one at home. The familiar smell of your apartment was comforting, but the space also seemed somewhat dreary and lacking something because the person she liked was not there.

Rosé plopped down on the sofa as she always did and leaned against the back. Normally, when she sat on the sofa, she had you beside her. Once you both finished all your chores, when you were relaxing, you sat on the sofa like this and had leisurely conversations or quietly spent time together.

Now you were not there. Your body heat, which was warmer than Rosé's; your subtle, fresh scent; your calm husky voice and was easy to listen to; your body, which had become more sexy but sturdy and didn't yield even when she leaned against you-all these things were missing.

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