26: Attraction

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Word Count: 2,672

After Rosé declared her intent to have more frequent contact with me, she made good on her promise and began to approach me more often. At first, this amounted to nothing more than greetings and small talk, so as not to draw undue attention or give anyone reasons to think I might be more than a friend of a friend. Rosé was obviously taking great care to avoid any sudden disruptions to my daily life.

When we discussed our studies, like classmates often did, we didn't get stares of jealousy-instead, the other students looked at us with admiration. At times like these, I was grateful that studying came easily to me. Honestly, it was difficult to keep up with Rosé, since she usually did the whole year's worth of uni work in advance, but she was kind enough to tailor the discussion to my level of understanding, so we were able to play the part of ordinary classmates without any trouble. It also helped that Lisa and Jennie, and sometimes even Chanyeol, were usually with us.

In the way that all people ease into gradual change, I got used to having light conversations with Rosé about daily life or our mutual friends or our classes, and any looks of jealousy that might have been directed at me from other girls and boys faded into the background. Only the boys in love with Rosé continued giving me sharp glares.

"Why Y/N...?" I was in my seat in the classroom, staring at my textbooks, when I happened to overhear some guys sitting near me whispering in resentful tones. Until just a moment ago, Rosé and I had been discussing the previous class's homework, and apparently the girls had spotted us.

As for why Rosé had chosen to have that discussion with me, it was because there simply weren't that many people who could keep up with her on that topic. Lisa, her closest friend, never prepared for class, so there was no way she really understood everything they were supposed to be learning right now. Lisa's girlfriend, Jennie, was the same.

And so when it came to academic topics, it was easier for Rosé to talk to me. I'd always had an easy time with schoolwork, and now that I had Rosé's guidance, I'd become an even better student than before. This was the power of Rosé the angel.

"What do you mean, why me?" I answered loudly. "I happen to be able to follow along with what she's talking about. It's not like we were having some hot-and-heavy conversation over here."

When it came to interactions with Rosé at school, there was some occasional small talk, but it was mostly about our studies. Rosé seemed to be taking her time approaching me, so no one would suspect anything, and was careful not to talk about anything normal classmates wouldn't share. Rather, we had been having conversations befitting exemplary students, serious conversations that left no room for doubt.

"I guess that's probably true, but..."

"If you've got a problem with it, you guys should get to studying and come join the discussion," I continued. "Having you guys look at me all jealous is a real pain. Studying is what we're here to do."

"Huh, no way... I don't get that stuff... I already have no idea what you two were even talking about..."

"Just read the handouts," I admonished. "All we're doing is looking ahead of the material we're learning now. If that's impossible for you, then I don't know what to say other than give up now."

"That's harsh..."

"Don't blame me for the sorry state of your studies. And anyway, I don't know what you guys are thinking, but I'm not that close with Rosé."

I answered them dispassionately, and the boys ground their teeth in frustration. I wasn't particularly good friends with any of them-in fact, I saw them all as enemies who might discover my relationship with Rosé-so I felt no obligation to be overly accommodating.

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