Bonus: 03

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Word Count: 2,076

This person is at a disadvantage because the good parts of her don't really show through on the surface. This was a thought that Rosé had about you. You've always had a sharp tongue, and that alone gives people the impression that you're difficult to approach.

You're not foulmouthed in the sense that you say crude things or spit abuse at people, but you do have a habit of being curt. Though anyone listening carefully would quickly realize you never say anything out of line.

Your looks aren't necessarily bad. If anything, you're rather beautiful, but you have long bangs and a tendency to look down; plus, you often have a somewhat mean look in your eye that probably makes it hard for people to get close to you.

Even Rosé would never have known your true nature without circumstances giving her a push.

It's a waste in so many ways.

You're such a nice, considerate person when you take a good look at what's inside, but no one sees that.

With that thought, she looked over at you, who were quietly completing your schoolwork beside her.

You wore an unfriendly expression on your face, but you were just calm and composed, moving your mechanical pencil across the page wordlessly, not appearing to notice Rosé's gaze. You seemed to be really concentrating. You didn't even glance at the coffee you had poured yourself.

Rosé picked up her mug, trying to make as little noise as possible, and quietly sipped her coffee, which had gone cold.

You must have more or less figured out Rosé's preferences, for underneath the bitterness of the coffee was the taste of just enough sugar to impart a faint sweetness, as well as creamer that made the drink mellower. You had apparently listened to her grumble that she couldn't stand intense, acidic coffee and had started keeping a different brand in your apartment.

She had initially shot you a look that said, "This is your house, so you should get the coffee you like," but with a look of feigned ignorance, you had smiled and said, "This coffee is better, isn't it?" so she couldn't say anything more on the matter.

Rosé got a little worked up when she thought about how you were often doing considerate things like that. She was about to take another sip of coffee when you looked up.

"...Don't tell me it's bad?"

"No, not at all. I was just taking my time and appreciating how tasty it is."

"Ah, okay, I'm glad you like it. Maybe I've gotten a little better at making it?"

She saw the area around your eyes soften in relief, and Rosé naturally smiled as well.

"Well, that's because the last time you made it, you put in too much coffee grounds and then added so much hot water into the filter that it overflowed. I remember wondering why you poured it so vigorously."

"Oh, that was because my hand slipped. I haven't done that again since then."

"Heh-heh. Failure is a stepping stone to success, so if you were able to learn from your mistakes, then that spilled coffee paid off."

"Don't tease me too much."

"I'm not teasing!" she insisted with a smile.

"That face says otherwise," you grumbled quietly, but you didn't complain further, so you must have understood that Rosé wasn't truly laughing at you.

You pouted a little, which made you look a bit childish. Cute, even. Rosé mused that you would probably be more approachable if you made such expressions more often, but somehow, She also didn't want you to show that face to anyone else, and she didn't suggest it to you, either.

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