12: Face of an Angel

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Word Count: 2437

When I awoke in the morning, all was quiet.

I could hear the cries of birds outside, but there was no sign from my bedroom that Rosé was up yet.

It was already past dawn, but maybe because she was exhausted from the night before, Rosé seemed to still be sleeping soundly.

I had only managed to get some brief shut eye-the persistent thought of Rosé in my bed made true rest elusive-and I had ended up drifting off, lingering on the edge of sleep until deciding to get up.

The restless night wasn't particularly taxing on me physically, so that was fine, but the whole situation was trying in another way. This was the first time I had ever let a girl stay over at my place, never mind having one sleep in my bed. Naturally, I was incredibly anxious.

..I mean, what am I even supposed to do in a situation like this?

I was pretty sure that Rosé had only allowed herself to fall asleep because she considered me a safe and harmless girl, but I was gay as hell nonetheless, a fact that I wished she would acknowledge more often.

I really regretted not waking her and sending her back home, but it was no use now.

I sighed and stretched to work out the knots in my body after spending the night on the sofa, then stood up slowly.

For the time being, I thought I would look in on Rosé. Well, my main goal was actually to grab a change of clothes, but I decided to check on her while I was in there. Ever so slowly, I opened the bedroom door.

Inside, it was quiet. Rosé was just as I had left her, still sleeping in her bed.

If there had been any change, it was that Rosé must have turned over several times in her sleep, because now she was lying on her side, and her hair was spread across the sheets like a flowing river of gold.

I knelt down to look at Rosé more closely. Her sleeping breaths were even and serene. She looks so innocent when she's asleep.

Rosé often wore a calm expression, perhaps because she usually had her guard up, but... her sleeping face was the picture of tranquility. Again, I felt the urge to reach out and pet her.

She really is cute like this...

Of course, she was undeniably beautiful any time of day, but seeing her in such a vulnerable state plucked at my heartstrings in a very different way.

I wanted to stroke her smooth hair and poke at her soft cheeks.

Rosé was usually so proper and reserved, with no gaps or cracks in her facade, so catching her in a defenseless state like this made me want to mess with her a little.

Without putting any thought into the matter, I stretched a hand out toward her and pressed the tip of my finger against her cheek, which looked so soft. Rosé's skin was as silky as it had been the night before. I almost wanted to go on touching her forever.

In the back of my mind, I knew I needed to be delicate, but the softness of her skin was spellbinding and made me want to dote on her...

Rosé, who had been sleeping quietly, suddenly let out a hoarse but endearing groan and looked at me with bleary, brown-colored eyes... or at least, she seemed to look in my direction. I thought that her cherubic face appeared even more innocent in repose. She stared absently for a moment, eyes blank and cloudy with sleep, and then frowned and settled back down.

When I started to pull my hand away, Rosé stirred, and her cheek brushed against my fingers again.

"...Nn..." A dainty sigh rose in her throat.

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