50: "Burning with Adorable Jealousy"

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Word Count: 7,613

"Y/N, wake up please."

There was a gentle voice calling my name.

In the midst of a comfortable slumber, I answered the soft whispering voice with a short "Mm," raised my heavy eyelids, and slowly opened my eyes.

The blurry figure of a lovely girl appeared before me, faintly illuminated by the sunlight streaming in through the window.

She seemed to have put one knee up on the bed to shake me awake and was leaning forward, her hemp-colored hair cascading around her like wisteria vines that swayed with her every movement.


"Yes. Good morning."

When I called out her name to confirm it was her, she nodded and answered in a familiar voice.

I didn't think I'd overslept, so I was having a little trouble figuring out why Rosé was in my bedroom. She was there as if it was the most natural thing in the world, further deepening my confusion.

"...Morning. Why are you here?"

"Don't you remember what we talked about yesterday?" Rosé frowned slightly.

"Yesterday?" I replied, then recalled our exchange from the previous evening.

"Beginning this Monday, could we start walking to school together?" Rosé had brought up the question as we were parting on Sunday night.

She'd looked up at me uneasily, fidgeting as if she couldn't settle down, which made me a little nervous too.

Rosé had probably spoken cautiously in order to see whether I was planning to conceal our relationship. We had already talked it over and decided to go public, but she still seemed worried about it.

As far as I'm concerned, we've basically confessed our love to the world already, so I hadn't even thought about keeping it a secret. I mean, why would I? I fully intend to tell people that we're dating now.

"Yeah, sure."


"What would I gain from lying?"

When she heard my answer, the hint of anxiety in Rosé's eyes disappeared, replaced by pure delight. My heart skipped a beat when she whispered bashfully, "I've always wanted to walk to school together," but she didn't seem to notice my excitement.

"Alright then, I'll swing by your place in the morning," she said cheerfully. "And hey, why not have breakfast together while we're at it?"

"Oh, hell yeah. I get to enjoy Rosie's cooking first thing in the morning."

"It's just gonna be leftovers... But can I make you a lunchbox too?"

"I'd love nothing more."

Honestly, I'd be perfectly content with the breakfasts Rosé makes, so the thought of having her cooking for lunch as well makes me ecstatic.

Seeing the happiness radiate from Rosé's face, knowing that she doesn't have to hide anymore, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It also makes me blush a little, to be honest.

Starting tomorrow, we'll be walking to school together. No more sneaky commutes or hiding our relationship. It's time to embrace it fully.

I was thinking about how being open about our relationship at school might make others totally jealous of me, which is a bit worrisome. But hey, the most important thing is that it makes Rosé happy. Just being by her side is more than enough for me.

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