18: Innocence

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Word Count: 7,241

This is worse than I expected...
I stifled a yawn as I watched the distant figure of the school dean up on the stage, giving a stern address. I didn't really care about closing ceremonies or whatever speech the dean had prepared for the occasion. Frankly, I would have rather been napping.

Most of the students around me seemed to share that sentiment. Very few people were actually paying much attention. Everybody else was obviously zoning out.

Still, it wasn't like the students could flaunt their boredom, so I put on a serious expression and silently wished for a speedy end to the proceedings as I let the dean's speech flow in one ear and out the other, the minutes slipping past as I pretended to be a model student.

I might have cared about graduation, but this was just the closing ceremony. It didn't really matter.

"...Ah, I'm so stiff."

"The principal's speeches are always so long."

That was the general sentiment as the students returned to their rooms. Nevertheless, everyone sounded quite lively, probably because two weeks of freedom awaited them after this final period.

From my seat, I watched my cheerful schoolmates who would soon be liberated from their boring classes, and let out a quiet sigh.

Spring vacation started tomorrow, but how would I spend it?
I had pretty much just seen my parents, so considering how much it cost to travel, I figured I could take a pass on going home. But that left me with an empty schedule.

Even if I thoroughly prepared for next year's classes, I would have a lot of time on my hands. I had considered getting a short-term job, but I hadn't managed to line up anything, and now there wasn't enough time. The only friends I had to hang out with over the break were Jennie and Lisa.

"Hey, hey, Y/N-"
Jennie appeared just as she crossed my mind.

When I turned around, I saw Jennie wearing an enthusiastic smile... and was immediately suspicious. Jennie only smiled like that when she had a favor to ask, or when she was about to suggest something foolish.

"What is it?"

"Are you free starting tomorrow?"

"I guess I am."

"Right, right, I thought so. That's good, veeery good."

Still grinning, Jennie patted the bag that was hanging from the side of her desk. Even though everyone was supposed to have cleared out their lockers and desks the day before, Jennie's bag was obviously packed full. We didn't even have any classes that day, so the most she could have possibly needed to bring to school would be a pen and maybe a binder, but Jennie's bag looked like it was about to burst.

"...What's all that?" I asked.

"Change of clothes."


"Cause I'm staying at your place..."

Jennie put on her humblest, most flattering voice and gave me an imploring look. I couldn't help but scowl back at my friend.

"Hang on a sec... haven't you ever heard of giving advance notice?"

"Sure I have. Consider yourself notified that I'm coming over, staying several nights, and bringing the party with me!"

"What, you're gonna keep the whole neighborhood up all night? How well do you think that's gonna go over, idiot?"

"Geez, Y/N, I was only joking... But I am serious about you letting me stay with you."

The Angel Next Door (Rosé X Female Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα