Part 4

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Bella's POV

I give my mom a text saying I'm in the plane.

I put my earphones on and I listen to music.

Probably about 10 minutes later I get a call from...unknown.

That's weird.

"Hello?" I say with caution.

"Hello, is this Bella?" The voice asks. I recognize this voice. I think it's Chanyeol or Kai. But how did they get my number?

"Uh, yes, this is Bella. Um, may I ask who this is?"

"Oh, haha, this Seh-"


OK, so that is Luhan yelling and Sehun calling.

"I'm calling Bella!" Sehun keeps the call going.

"How did you get her number?" Luhan sounds pissed.

"I got it from your phone. Lulu, what's going on, ever since you announced Bella was coming you started acting different."

Oh no, am I ruining their friendship? Oh no, my mom was right! Ah! What do I do? I'm already on the plane and everything.

"Sehun, Luhan, please don't start fighting. If this continues, I will go back. I don't want to ruin what you guys have."

I hear Luhan sigh.

"Bell, I'm sorry. I'll explain it to you when I see you. Sehunnie, go ahead the talk to her. I'll back off." Luhan says. I hear a door close.

What's going one? Why is Luhan like this?

"Bella? Hello?"

"I'm here."

"Is Luhan like this when you're around other boys?"

"No, never. I don't know what made him like this. I never seen him like this." The person sitting across from me gives me a weird look. I smile in return.

"Oh. Well, I never seen him like this either. But, I'll talk to him."

"Thank you! You're awesome!"

Sehun and I talk about each other for awhile. I tell him that I'm a bit tired and he let's me hang up.

I grab a blanket and a fluffy pillow. I move around to get comfortable.


I wake up to the voice of the pilot.

"We are now landing, please stay seated until we land."

Wow, I slept for a very long time. Good thing, cause I am very awake and ready to see everybody!

I check my phone. 2 new messages. One from Luhan and one from my mom.

Luhan: Hey, are you here yet?

Mom: Ok, dear, have a safe ride and call me once you are settled in.

I text my Mom.

Bella: Ok, I'm here safely.

Then I text Luhan.

Bella: I'm here, now! Do I get a cab?

I gather up my stuff and I exit the plane. I say hi to the flight attendant again.

As I leave the plane, I notice a lot of new things. Korea is so different than the United States. Asians everywhere! This is probably normal for that, unlike America. Mexicans, Ukrainians, Asians, White, so much! But here, I fit in well! Hopefully, I can speak Korean well still too.

Ok, now what? What do I do now?

My phone rings. I pick it up.

"Hello, It's Luhan!" There's that cheery voice I love to hear.

"Hi! I'm here in the airport now."

"Yeah, I see you! Come and give me big hug!"

"Yeah, only I don't see you." I look around.

"When you see 12 guys with masks, I'm one of them."

I gasp. All of Exo is here! And I'm the only one that knows!

I continue to look around again. I drag my suitcase with me as I walk around. I probably look like a lost dog.

"Lulu! I can't see you!" I whine.

All of a sudden, two arms wrap tightly around me. My first instinct was to run away, but then....LUHHAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!

I turn around and see Luhan's cute deer eyes looking at me. I give him a big huge hug. He lifts me up and spins me around in circles.

We stop spinning and I open my eyes to a full group of nicely-dressed men. 9, 10, 11 men!

I then realize that I might look like trash. I turn around quickly and try to fix my hair. As I am running my hands through my hair, Luhan gives me another hug from behind.

"I missed you so much, Bella. I can't wait to spend this whole summer with you." He whispers in my ear.

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