Part 12

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Beakhyun's POV

"ONWARD!" I whisper yell.

Chanyeol and I sneak through the hallway and stop at the doorway.

I make random hand movements trying to tell him to go in casually and distract Lay and Chen. Chanyeol tilts his head and shrugs. I roll my eyes. "Go in there and distract." I mouth barely making a sound.

Chanyeol gets the clue and goes in.

I stand back at the doorway. I suddenly realize that I should go hide. I hide in our bedroom until they leave the room.

"BAEKHYUN-AH!" Suho yells and knocks on the closet.

I ignore his comment and continue seeking.

"Yeah, there, in the living room. It's called 20 questions. I pick 2 people, random people, and I bring them to a table..." I hear Chanyeol say to Lay and Chen. I quickly run across the hallway to D.O's bedroom. I hear that D.O's still in the bathroom, so I sneak into the bathroom, which is not locked!

Chanyeol comes in and pats my back scaring me.

"Haha, manly, eh?" Chanyeol teases quietly.

"Shut up. Get the towel, I'll get the clothes." I grab all clothes I see. Chanyeol grabs as much things he sees that might help D.O.

"Hello?" D.O says in the shower. "Who's there? Lay? Chen?"

My eyes widen. I motion for Chanyeol to hurry and get out. We run out as fast as we come, but still quietly and trying to hold in our laughter.

We decide to hide all the things we gathered.

"What did you get? Ahahaha!" I laugh as Chanyeol drops all of his things. He has towels he found in closets, towel racks, and on the ground. "What is that?"

"It's a razor." Chanyeol responds wiping his forehead.

"Haha, so random." I drop my things too. "His pajamas, his old clothes, and hairdryer."

"Oh nice, the hairdryer. Wait, you should've gotten the comb too!"

"I was going too, until I heard him."

We bicker for awhile until Lay and Chen and Suho come up to us.

"What is all that?" Lay asks.

"Oh no! You didn't." Suho face palms.

"Oh we did!" Chanyeol and I high-five and giggle.

"What did they do? Are those D.O's?" Chen picks up D.O's shirt.

Lay looks at the razor, then at the hairdryer. "Oh, you guys are so dead!"

"Seriously! I warned you, D.O is going to hunt you down and kill you! Especially, about the dryer, man, that's just cruel." Suho pats his heart.

Chanyeol and I just laugh. "I think we'll survive."

Chanyeol and I walk back to our bedroom.

"WHO DID THIS!??!!? CHANYEOL!!??? BAEKHYUN-AHHH??!!" D.O screams.

Chanyeol and I panic. We try to lock D.O's door.

D.O walks out with only a towel and is soaking wet. He also look REALLY mad.

"Ugh, you forgot a towel?" I slap Chanyeol's chest.

"Really? That's the problem?"

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BOTH!!" D.O runs towards us holding a comb.

"Great! And the comb!"

"Baek! NOT THE TIME!" Chanyeol and I run to a random room.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" I shout as I crash into Bella.

"MOVE IT, HYUNGS!" Chanyeol screams and pushes past Xiumin and Luhan.

"W-What's going on?" I hear Bella say.

"What's with the black?" Xiumin's asks.

"Are you two not hot?" Sehun's chokes. Sehun moves Bella over so he can look at our clothes.

Bella's here? Oh, Bella.

I stop in my tracks to say hi to her, but an angry, half-naked D.O appears in the doorway.

Bella screams and covers her eyes.

I quickly run away slightly bumping into Bella causing her to tumble over.

Bella's POV

D.O appears in the room with only a towel on.

I scream and Baekhyun runs away. He bumps into my shoulder which causes me to fall over. I cover my face and prepare for the fall.

Except, I don't hit the ground. I uncover my face...and there I am. Standing face to face with someone I have had a crush on ever since I met him. Kai caught me.

I gasp when I see him.

"A-Are you ok?" Kai asks looking at me straight in my eyes.

"Uh, y-yeah. I'm f-fine. Thank you for c-catching me. Heh." I stutter. I mentally face palm myself for how I spoke.

We stand there, me in his arms, for a while. It's really nice because now we're just smiling at each other really awkwardly. It causes me to laugh, which causes him to laugh too. It was really great until I get pulled away by D.O who looks really angry and is really wet. I can see Kai frown as I got pulled away, which gave me butterflies.

"WHERE IS BAEKHYUN AND CHANYEOL?" D.O asks me really loudly. I flinch when he emphasized on their names.

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