Part 6

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Bella's POV

"So where are we going?" I ask. I look around. There are so many of them, hopefully I can keep up!

"We can go eat something simple." Luhan puts his arm around my shoulders.

I laugh. "What do you mean by simple? Like, chicken feet? Noodles?"

Luhan pinches my cheeks.

"Yeah, let's eat noodles! Chicken feet is too messy." Sehun says.

I laugh. "True, haha. Where should we go?"

All 13 of us walk through streets looking for a nice restaurant.

A loy of people take pictures and stare as our big group strolls by.

"Is that Luhan's girlfriend? She's pretty." I hear a group of girls talking.

I also hear things like, "Who is that?" "Why is Luhan with her?" "Are they dating" "She is so lucky!".

"You two do look like a couple." Kai says pointing to us.

"Yeah, you do! Do you guys get mistaken for that often?" Chen asks.

I look at Luhan and he looks at me. I turn away so he doesn't see me blush.

"We do. Almost every time we go somewhere together. It's probably because I always have my arm around her." Luhan explains.

I can't control my blushing! I look away as Luhan explains, I bet I look like a tomato, agh.

"Aha! Look, Bella is blushing! Luhan, you're making her blush!" Tao screams.

I smile and turn to them. I cover my cheeks. "No, I'm not! It's just really hot!"

Luhan kisses my temple. "You're so cute, ahahah!"

"Ahhh, this is why! This is why! This is why people think they're dating!" Baekhyun yells.

"We're just best friends who love each other!" Luhan blurts out.

Did he just friend zone me? Or did he admit he loves me? I'm leaning towards the friend zone thought.

My smile fades and I look away again. "L-look, Saigon Love. T-hey have noodles," I point to a restaurant across the street. "Let's go in there." I say softly. I shake away from Luhan and walk a bit faster.

Am I overreacting? I'm just hungry, yeah, I'm just hungry. I want to eat. It's kind of hot for noodles.

Luhan's POV

Bella shakes me off and walks faster to the restaurant across the street.

"W-hat? Wait, Bell! Bell!" I call her. She just waves to me without even looking and continues walking.

What did I do?

"Hyung, what did you do?" Sehun asks. He looks concerned.

"She just got here and she's already avoiding us!" Suho sighs.

D.O steps up. "You know what you did? I know what you did."

I squint at him. "What?"

"Did you not hear yourself?"

At this point every stopped and circled around D.O.

"W-what do you mean? I said that we are best friends that love each other. Is that bad? W-hat?"

D.O scoffs. "Aish! You just friend zoned her! Don't you like her? It seems like it!"

My cheeks turn red.

"OoooOooOOoo! Luhan has a crush! You liiiiikkeee her." Kris sings.

"What do you know?" Tao laughs.

Kris punches his arm playfully. "More than you, Panda."

"ROMANTIC PANDA to you, galaxy man!"

Tao and Kris yell at each other as we talk.

"No I don't! Who said I did?" I turn away from the members and run after Bella.

"Bella! Bella! Bell!" I call to her. I can see her inside the shop sitting on the waiting couch. She's looking down at her phone and wiping her face. AWH! I MADE HER CRY!

Bella's POV

"Who said I would end up with Luhan anyways? We're just friends." I say to myself quietly.

My eyes tear up even more. I quickly wipe it with my hand.

I can see Luhan and the group talking. They seemed to have circled around D.O.

I sniff and blow my nose with a tissue. I pull out my phone and scroll through the many photos I have with Luhan or of Luhan.

"Oh, Lulu, my little man...haha" I whisper.

Why do I like him? I can find someone else who is cool, funny, cute, manly, haha.

I stop scrolling at a picture of Luhan holding me on his shoulders.

"Awh, I remember this." This was taken by my mother. We were at the beach with his family and mine. Luhan got dared to lift me up on his shoulders.

I hear fast footsteps. Next thing I know I am being pulled into an empty alley way by Luhan. He looks kind of mad actually.

He pushes me against a wall and stares at me.


"Friend zone!? You think I friend zoned you!?" Luhan yells.

I was taken back from the yelling and the fact that he caught on to the situation.

"Wha- what!?" I look away.

Luhan gets closer. "You think I friend zoned you?" He repeats quietly. "Look at me, Bella."

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