Part 45

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Bella's POV

"You're a beauty and I'm a wolf!" Xiumin and I sing together.

Sehun and Luhan do the ending dance of Wolf.

"Amazing, amazing!" Zoey claps from inside the sound box.

"I love this! I feel so confident with my voice way more now!" I spin around with my arms out.

"Shall I call Kai down, then?" Luhan points to the door.

"Oh no. I'm pretty sure he's resting." I shake my hand at him. "He needs rest anyways."

"KAI!! KAI COME DOWN HERE, COME DOWN NOW!" Luhan ignores me.

I run over to him and push him away from the door. "Are you insane?"

"I'm just calling my friend downstairs." Luhan shrugs.

"He might be sleeping." I whisper yell.

"What is it!?" Kai screams from upstairs.

I facepalm.

"See he's not asleep. COME DOWN HE-" I immediately cover Luhan's mouth.

"Nothing! GO TO SLEEP!" I close the door.

"I thought you were confident in your voice. Why don't you want your boyfriend to hear it?" Xiumin laughs.

"He already has." I say and get back on stage.

"Yeah, but did he right now?" Luhan asks.

I shake my head slowly.

"I'm bringing him down." Luhan says and opens the door.

"He might be tired!" I call to him.

"He's not. It's only 11:00." Luhan waves me off and runs upstairs.

I groan and get off the stage. I jump on the bed and cover my face with a pillow.

"Relax. You should calm down a bit. If he doesn't like your voice, you shouldn't like him." Zoey comes over and pats my back.

I cringe when Zoey says "doesn't like your voice".

"Music please!" Sehun yells into the mic.

Zoey runs back to the sound box and turns on a random song.

"Call Me Baby" turns on and with no hesitation, Sehun and Xiumin start dancing to it.

I sit up and clap along to them.

"Call me baby, ba, call me baby!" Xiumin sings.

I jump on the bed and pretend to be a fan.

"OPPA OPPA OPPA! AHHHH OPPA YOU'RE SO HANDSOME! OPPA!" I scream at them. I wave my arms around.

Sehun blows me a kiss and walks off stage.

I scream once more.

"Why are you blowing kisses at my girlfriend?" Kai and Luhan walks in the studio.

I stop screaming. "I'm his fan."

"His fan, huh?" Kai smirks and walks up on stage. "It hasn't been long and you are fangirling over someone else already?"

"Well, we were just mess-" Kai puts his finger on Sehun's lips.

I giggle at his dramatic action.

"Let me show you something that will surprise you!" Kai stands in the center and snaps his fingers. Zoey turns on music and Kai starts dancing to it.

His dances were sharp and graceful. Like a ballerina. I laugh and clap for him.

Xiumin and Sehun join in as his background dancers. But instead of dancing cooly, they do weird body movements.

I start laughing and clapping at the sight. Kai slowly stops and turns behind him.

"Yah! Sehun, Xiumin, what are you doing?" Kai scolds them.

"We're dancing." Xiumin answers while still dancing. He does a dramatic head roll with jazz hands.

"No! You're ruining my-" Kai stops in his sentence and laughs. "You two are two much!"

"The oldest and the youngest!" I laugh.

Sehun had the most derpest face on and Xiumin was dancing to No No No by Apink.

"Yo! That's my jam!" Luhan screams and joins Xiumin.

"Don't be sad, no no no! You're not alone, no no no." I start singing.

"Get it, Bella! Whoo!" Zoey starts dancing while playing the music.

"Here!" Sehun throws me a mic and I catch it. "Yehet!"

"Thanks!" I wave to him and start singing.

"No, no! You're suppose to point to the side 3 times not 5 times!" I hear Luhan scolding Xiumin and Kai.

"I was. It was the turn then the pointing!" Xiumin argues.

Ahh. I love them!

"Uh? What was the next line?"

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