Part 48

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Bella's POV

"It all started with when I had to share a room with him..." I start.

"Omo! Same bed?" My mom asks.

"NO, MOM, NO! Two twin beds, a good distance apart." I wipe my sweat off my forehead.

"Oh ok, it would be way more romantic though..." Zoey yells.

"Zoey! Shhh!!" I shush.

I didn't want to tell my mom about the "pervert" thing Xiumin told me. It would just be awkward.

"Ok, I understand. Continue." Mom says.

"Ok, so then that night, he heard me singing. I was so embarrassed when he told me he heard. The morning after that, he was....he was..." I choke on my own spit.

"Shirtless! He was shirtless!" Zoey screams from behind me.


"You couldn't say it. Your welcome."

"Aigoo! And that's how it started! I should've been there to see your face, omg." My mom starts laughing through the phone.

"Mom! Why are you like this?!"

"America has gotten to me, honey."

"Oh no." I shake my head. "Anyways, I need to go, talk to you later."

"Ok bye! Tell Lulu I said hi!"

"Ok, bye!"

I hang up the phone and glare at Zoey.

"What?" Zoey looks up from her phone.

"Don't what me."

"Hey, I helped you. You should be thanking me. She was going to find out either way."

"Whatever. I'm going downstairs."

"Hey, let's go shopping! We have the afternoon to ourselves. Why not go out!" Zoey suggests.

I shrug. "Sure."


"Bella! Look at this, doesn't it cute?" Zoey calls to me.

I walk over and see her holding a a vanella white dress.

"Wouldn't it look cute on you? Kai would love this!" Zoey hands me the dress and goes looking for shoes.

"Yeah, he would. Korea has much better clothing choices than America." I examine myself in the mirror while holding the dress to my chest.

"OMG! LOOK AT THIS!" Zoey screams causing the other customers to look at her.

Zoey runs over holding a pair of white wedges that has a similar shade of white as the dress.

"Whoa! Since when did you know how to shop so well?" I grab the shoes from her. "Oh they're my size!"

"I learn from your mother. We went shopping a couple of times together when you were gone." Zoey smiles and shrugs.

"I'm going to try this on." I say. Zoey nods and I run into a dressing room.

Kai's POV

We walk into the practice room and start our stretches.

"Kai, come here." Luhan calls me over.

I walk over to him. "Yeah?"

"The manager wants to speak to you." Luhan whispers to me. "He doesn't look too happy."

I gulp. "Oh, ok."

"Good luck." He puts his hand on my shoulder.

I nod. "Thanks."

I walk out the room and into the manager's office.

The CEO was sitting in the chair on other side of the desk and the manager was standing beside him.

"Hello. You called?" I bow to them.

"Yes, Kai. Sit down." The CEO orders. I do as told.

"So, we've heard about that you guys went to the beach yesterday." The CEO says.

My heart starts to beat faster. "Y-Yes, we did."

"We also heard about the accident that occurred there."

"Who told them?" I think to myself.

I nod. "Yes, but we're ok-"

"That doesn't matter!" The CEO snaps.

I jump back at his sudden rage.

"What matters is, you weren't careful. You didn't think about your safety. Didn't it ever occur to you that something bad might happen?"

"Yes, Luhan was warning us."

"And you didn't listen to him at all?"

"At first we did, but..."

"But what? Was there someone interfering?"

I sigh. "M-My girlfriend wanted to we insisted-"

"Girlfriend?! Who on earth said you could have one and not tell us beforehand?"

"I'm allowed to date, I have the right. She's not what you think, she's kind and sweet. She cares not only for me but for all the members too." I explain.

"Not acceptable!"

"What? You can't just-"

"Not acceptable. Because of her, members of EXO got hurt and we can't let that happen again. Especially the day before a performance or a practice."

"She knows what she's done and she's very hurt about it too! She got hurt saving me, she saved all of us!" I get up out of my seat.

"Look. Right now, you have fans to think about and your members."

"What are you saying? That you know my members more than i do? That the fans don't want me to be happy?"


"Look! I have the right to have a girlfriend! Also, the members are completely fine with it! We all love each other and care for one another. Luhan is Bella's best friend too. Sehun got close to her really quickly too. She won't get in the way because she knows about this life. She knows that I have concerts, practice, and fans!"

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