Part 11

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Heyyy! More2Love here! So it's starting here! It's starting to seem like a Kai fan fiction! Ugh, I am so sorry that the story has been changing. First Luhan, then Kai, so sorry, I'll try my best to fix it and make it up to you! Please continue reading and I will not upset you :)

Kai's POV

"I'm making Bella nervous." I rub the back of my neck.

Luhan laughs. "Of course you are! You come off as a pe-"

"Ok! Ok! I get it, but am I? Really? Baekhyun is more like that. If anything, I'm the innocent one." I cross my arms.

Luhan, Sehun, and Xiumin look at each other then burst into laughter.

"Ha, you, innocent! Hahahaha" Xiumin falls back onto the bed laughing.

"Yeah," Luhan wipes a tear. "Baekhyun may be more dirtier than you, but YOU are not innocent."

"Besides, in concerts, you do a lot of stuff." Sehun snorts.

"So what? I get carried away sometimes. I AM the visual." I do a quick pose.

"Let's be honest, aren't we all!" Luhan and Sehun start laughing and clapping like retarded seals.

"Whatever, what can I do? I need your help! Please, help me! I really....don't wanna ruin our friendship." I sit down next to them.

Everyone stops laughing.

"Ok, fine, but only cause you seem so serious." Xiumin points to my face.

"And! I want you two to get along well." Luhan claps.

"So what happened?" Sehun asks.

I tell them what happened. About how I pulled her, the shirtless thing. I never been more embarrassed.

They start laughing and clapping again.

"Oh, haha, you what?!" Luhan falls back laughing.

"You are such a tease!" Sehun rubs his cheekbones.

"What the? I warned Bella." Xiumin shakes his head and continues laughing quietly.

I eye him. "You told Bella? What do you mean warned?"

"I told her that you were sort of a perv..." Xiumin nervously laughs.

I stand up. "You what!?"

"Hey, could you blame me? When I opened the door you very shirtless? I mean-" Xiumin explains, but I cut him off.

"It is summer! Hot! Hot! Hot!" I yell. "Could you blame me? It was like 100 degr-"

We hear the door open quietly. We can't see who it is yet.

"Um, hello?" We hear a girl say.

"In here Bella." Luhan yells.

Bella walks in cautiously with her pjs on. She looks cute, especially cause she has a simple t-shirt on and pj shorts. She shyly waves at us.

"Hey, Bella." We all say in unison.

Luhan gets up and gives her hug. So does Sehun and Xiumin. I sit down looking at the ground.

"Kai?" I hear my name being called. I look up and see Bella smiling and waiting for a hug.

I smile brightly and stand up. I give her a big hug.

"I'm sorry for what happened." I whisper in her ear as we hugged.

"It's ok, it is really hot." She whispers back. I can't help but smile like an idiot when we pull back.

We were about to talk about dinner, but Chanyeol and Baekhyun come crashing into the room.


Baekhyun's POV

"I'm bored." Chanyeol whines.

We were sitting on our beds making small talk while on our phones.

"What should we do, then?" I ask, putting my phone away.

Chanyeol does the same and comes over to sit next to me.

"Let's prank someone." Chanyeol smiles evilly and claps his hands.

My eyes light up. "I know who! Let's prank D.O."

Chanyeol agrees right away with me. "Perfect! His reactions are the best, haha."

"What should we do?" I ask.

Chanyeol stands up. "Let's see what he's doing first."

"Ok." I follow Chanyeol out of our room.

We go to the first door on the left where D.O, Lay, and Chen sleep.

We slowly open the door and we tip toe in the dark close to the wall. We see D.O going into the bathroom with his towel, Lay sleeping, and Chen on the phone.

"What are we going to do?" I whisper to Chanyeol.

"Let's first dress up in black clothes, so we won't be seen easily." Chanyeol and I tip toe back to our room.

"What are you guys doing?" Suho asks us as we ran out of D.O's room like maniacs.

"We're going to pull a prank on D.O." I say quickly. Chanyeol and I run to our bedroom, but Suho stands in our door way blocking us.

"Why? Why D.O?" Suho crosses his arms.

Chanyeol and I stand up straight. We look at each other, then at him. "Cause we're bored." We say in unison.

"You know how much trouble you'll in?"

"What we always pull pranks, the management doesn't care." Chanyeol states.

"They gave up months ago." I point out.

"I'm not talking about the management! I'm talking about D.O!" Suho whispers yells the last sentence.

Chanyeol and I shrug. We make a telepathic plan to distract Suho so we can pull the prank. We nod at each other.

"Now!" Chanyeol yells. I quickly grab Suho and push into a closet near by.

"Hey!" Suho stumbles into the closet. I close the closet door and lock it from the outside.

"Hey! Hey! You two are really gonna pay for this!" Suho yells from inside the closet.

We ignore his comment and run away to get dressed. Soon, we come out of our room wearing black clothes and a black mask.

"Ok, the plan is..." I look left, right, then behind me, then back at Chanyeol. "You lure Lay and Chen out of the room, I go and put this fake cockroach under his pillow." I hold up a fake cockroach.

"H-How'd you get that?" Chanyeol points to the cockroach with a shaky finger.

"Oh, I got it from a fan, weird right? Anyways, when you get them distracted, come back and-"

"That's all?"

"Lemme finish! Anyways, you come back and replace all his clothes with these..." I hold up hello kitty and Disney princess clothes for 6 year olds.

"Ok, where did you get THAT?"

"I'm always prepared to prank D.O! Ok, then we will fill his shoes with toothpaste..."

"Baek! Let's not do all that. Why don't we just sneak into the bathroom and take all his necessities. Like his clothes, toothbrush, comb, hairdryer, towel." Chanyeol suggests.

I shrug. "Ok, fine." I set down all the stuff.

"ONWARD!" I whisper yell.

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