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Everyone in this household gave her so much love and respect that Ishmal found herself very closer to them. Especially Haider's Mom who actually reminded her of her mother with her gentleness and tenderness for her. When she started relating to Aqia with the woman she cared for the most in this world, she couldn't remember.

From Aunt to referring to her as mother; Ishmal herself didn't know how it happened. But it was the effect of the warmth this family offered her. They made her feel special and important, unlike the previous life she was living.

Today from Unaiza, she got to know that a few days later was Hiba's birthday. That little girl even was so friendly and loving with her that Ishmal liked her. She realized they were a set of amazing people who made her feel at home. Every one of them except him.

Except Haider and today, he made her comprehend this as well again.

Ishmal had no money right now with her but she wanted to buy Hiba a present for her birthday hence she asked Haider for it. However, she didn't know that he would humiliate her once again.

Those words from his mouth didn't hurt her. It made her agitated. Haider wanted to get away from every blame when their marriage would be over. He would inflict every responsibility to fall on her that it was her fault that their divorce happened because as per his wish and mindset, Ishmal wasn't a good wife and good daughter-in-law.

She would be portrayed as rude and who thought of herself as someone high hence she couldn't save this relationship. And Haider? He would make himself appear as a victim here. Someone who was sincere in this commitment but he didn't get a good girl.

How selfish this man was? He wanted to appear as a hero while depicted as a villain.

"What are you saying? There is no need to make any new relations. Don't call my Mom by any of such names. You don't have any relation to her. And about Hiba's birthday, you don't have to worry about anything. You are just a fake wife of mine..." He paused and lowered his tone. Even in such anger, he knew he couldn't spill anything. "So you don't need to act like one. Whatever will be necessary, I will tell you. So don't you ever call my Mom as I do? Understood?"

Ishmal took a deep breath while looking into his angry dark black eyes before she turned her heels. She left the room without giving him any answer. Because certainly, she had made up her mind. She wouldn't let all this happen.

It took Haider a few seconds to calm himself down and contemplate what he had done. He glanced at Ishmal and those straights strand of her hair falling on her back as she was going out. When he was left alone, he knocked his fist on the wall as he mumbled some curse words under his breath.

This could have been told to her calmly. But his anger never let any good to come to him. Every time he belittled her like this when it was he who agreed on giving mutual respect to one another.

This time it wasn't the fact that she had called his Mom by the word referred to as mother that bothered him. It was something else. Haider wished it was this but it wasn't. The reality that she evoked a desire in him for herself and herself reminded him of the deal of no touching in the contract yet herself doing exactly the same in another way that unhinged him.

Why everything was changing now? He was happy by staying in his shell for years. It was just hatred and contempt. His nice personality got darker and darker with each passing moment. He lost his cool at small things. The resentment for Nisha never let him think otherwise ever. He made that idea that no one would ever be able to undo that anger. He never let anyone break it, not even his parents.

However now it was happening. There was no hate. There was no fury. Even Nisha's thought and mention now didn't do anything to Haider. Because now Ishmal stayed on his mind despite his obvious aversion. Day and night; just every time.

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