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The hit she gave rise to made the ball fall directly into Haider's bedroom. Ishmal genuinely got scared thinking about his reaction. Even the parents had left for inside as well a while ago and that made the situation worse. While the expressions of the girls were no different than hers, though Huzaifa was taking this pause as a drink break and had a huge water bottle attached to his mouth as a lopsided grin was on his lips because of what was awaiting them. This guy was very cocky and irksome yet very subtle and nice at the same time too.

Sometimes Ishmal's subconscious wished that at least Haider would have gotten some sprinkles of his brother's cheerful behavior but everything about that guy who was her husband was rude and pretentious. 

Ishmal looked at the open window of their room and bit her lower lip in anxiety.

"Anyone wants a drink?" Huzaifa offered.

"You are talking about drink and here I am worried because Haider Bhai will get furious if the ball might have hits some of his important things," Unaiza commented, genuinely feeling worried.

Huzaifa smirked. "Or else his head. Just say it out clearly like this, Ursula. And it's better if the ball would have hit his head because by this way, Ishmal Bhabi's task will get lessened."

Unaiza pressed her lips together while Ishmal glanced at all of them since her name was mentioned.

"Hey come on. We can restart with a new ball," Huzaifa announced and Ishmal was amazed by his lack of concern for his brother's anger.

But Huzaifa had no issue with his recent extreme change of Behavior, unlike everyone. Because he knew even if he had become bitter after what happened to him after Nisha had married Ruhaan Sufiyan Ahmad in his place of him, he still loved his family. Besides Huzaifa had another way to deal with Haider and that was teasing which no one else could have dared with Haider.

Huzaifa picked the new ball from the carton but before he could take his position, footsteps sounded from behind them. Ishmal's back was towards him so she couldn't see him. While rest of them had a clear look at what was anticipated and the girls's eyes widened while Huzaifa chuckled under his breath. He let the ball fall on the floor while reaching out for a towel to wipe his sweat.

"So the show begins. Lemme grab my popcorn and drink," Huzaifa murmured amusingly while pouring water on his head.

Ishmal followed the gaze of everyone else and turned around. Her breath hitched to find Haider there with a clenched jaw and dark eyes. He had the ball tugged in his palm. While he had his eyes on Huzaifa.

"Huzaida, what bullshi---" he stopped to say any word like this in the middle to find his sisters and wife also present there.

His wife. She had the bat in her hand and most certainly she was the one who had sent the ball in his room. He narrowed his eyes at her. She kept on doing the thing that he ordered her not to do.

She was looking very different today. Much different than whenever he saw her. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail and the edges and her face were sweaty. Yet she looked stunning in her own way in this situation as well. She was gazing at him with widened eyes and parted plump lips.

The lips he wanted to claim right now.

"What the hell is going on?" He growled, now taking into consideration to use of a much better word.

He was working on a very important file and he hated distractions when he worked. This ball and its hit on the couch acted as such a nuisance for her and shattered his every concentration. He felt angry and he kind of had an idea that it must be none other than his brother. He was ready to pound at him but when he reached the garden and found the girl who was currently on his mind every time behind all of this, he didn't know what he felt.

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