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Ishmal unwrapped the envelope and a green paper was revealed. Her eyes widened seeing it.

"What's that, Ishmal?" Farah inquired.

Ishmal looked up. "Divorce papers." She licked her lips in anxiety before speaking.

Farah became pale at Ishmal's words. "What?"

Ishmal just nodded. She didn't know how her mother would react to this.

"Who...who sent it?" Farah had another question.

"It's from Abid Uncle. He divorced you, Ammi," she replied quietly.

Farah's eyes widened. Seeing this, Ishmal reached near her and held her hands. Farah closed her eyes as a sigh left her mouth.

"That was necessary actually. I don't want to be called the wife of a disgusting man like him. The idea of spending fifteen years with him makes my skin creep. Don't know how many times he had seen you with lust by camouflaging the love of a father in this gaze for you. This alone makes me feel angry for myself. It's good he initiated divorce by himself," Farah said, sternly.

Ishmal kissed her hand. "Ammi, don't yourself for what happened. You didn't know anything. And what you did for me after you got to know, it's... it's so overwhelming. I love you so much."

She wrapped her arms around Farah's body as she sobbed in the protective warmth of her mother. One silent tear also fell from Farah's eye as she pecked Ishmal's hair.

"Ammi loves you as well, my love," Farah whispered.

And that was the utmost truth.


Recently, Haider had resumed his duty again. Ishmal mostly used to be at home. She had left the school as per Haider's suggestion. She didn't want to let him down and he had a point too. She didn't need any job anyway. She also wanted to give her full time and energy to their marriage and this house. She was still working for Rise and Shine Magazine as their graphic designer. She was again given the task of an exquisite art design a few days ago.

That was another, Haider's family yet didn't know that she didn't leave that job. However, he had said that he would take care of this whenever necessary. So she had no desire to have the extra tension about this. She trusted Haider to always take a stand for her.

The days were going well. A few days ago, she got to know that Farah also stood up on her feet again and she didn't need a wheelchair anymore. Maybe the shackles of that unwanted marriage freed her from other hurdles as well.

Here in her in-laws, everyone considered her a part of the family. Aqia still remained a bit distant but Ishmal knew very soon, she would become like she was before.

Life never seemed this nice to Ishmal before. Haider didn't leave any chance to give her any worry. He showed his love, care, and respect for her. Even he tried to become nicer and gentler with her when that wasn't his nature. And Ishmal herself had dived wholeheartedly into this relationship.

That afternoon as Haider was gone for his duty, after lunch, Ishmal suddenly craved for tea. She walked towards the kitchen and decided to prepare one for herself. She took out the bottle of milk from the fridge and came back to the counter. She turned on the flame of the stove and put the pot on it.

"Bibi G, I'll make tea," the maid told her, apologetically.

Ishmal smiled at her while adding water to the pot to boil. "It's okay. I'll do that."

A few moments later, Aqia entered the kitchen. "Sadia, get me a cup of tea. My head is hurting."

Ishmal turned around and looked at her in worry. "Aunt, are you fine?"

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