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               ••|A Few Days Later |••

The morning brought a message of the very good day it was going to be today. Not that it wasn't going amazing for her for the last two weeks. But today she is extra happy. It had been a while since their discrete dating was happening. Ishmal mostly used her school timing for it and Haider also never asked for more than this yet for which she was thankful. Ishmal was enjoying every moment together with him. She saw him as a person whom he never brought in front of her before. And this was making her to fall in love with him more and more.

They got to know so many things about each other in this time period. Likes, dislikes, preferences, tastes, and much more than this. Even though their choices never matched each other that much but somehow, they complimented each other. They fetched a very nice contrast which enhanced the attraction of their relationship.

Today Ishmal chose a light purple dress to wear. Not too fancy but its intricate threadwork made it look decent and beautiful. She applied a bit of makeup too. Purple was Haider's favorite color and she decided to give him a surprise today by coming in front of him in his loved color. As was the case with a few last dates of there, she let her hair free and fell on her back. Haider had asked her once that he wanted to see her hair open and she had been doing that since then. Diligently placing the dupatta over her head, she checked her final look.

Getting satisfied, she came out with her handbag over her shoulder. In the dining room, her family was already seated for breakfast.

"AssalamoAlaikum!" She greeted everyone with a smile and dragged her chair to sit.

"Walaikum Assalam." Farah glanced up at her from head to toe. "Is there any function at school today?"

Ishmal who was making a morsel of the delicious potato-filled paratha paused at her words.

She shook her head. "No, there's no such thing."

"Hmm. Have breakfast. Your Nano especially makes these potato-filled parathas for you. You love them, right?" Farah said.

Ishmal kissed her grandmother's cheek. "Thanks Nano. You know that I am weak for them and you exactly got me at my weak point."

"Your weak point. Yes," Farah sighed before again diving into her plate.

Ishmal looked at her in confusion. Why her mother's behavior wasn't looking right. She had been meeting Haider without telling her. She first wanted to get to know him better and to see that he really decided to approach her again because he wished to have her back in his life. And now when both of these things were occurring as she got to realize that Haider truly wanted their marriage, she decided to involve her family now.


Today Haider brought her to a beech. It flared alongside the water and steadied the shiny grains of the sand. It gave a feel of life, a feel of freshness and glory. It gave a sense of relief to the rocks. The sand was a hue of gold and the sense in her hands was like a smooth material. As they were seated on the ground looking at the high waves of water moving up and down, Ishmal was constantly trying to catch the sand in her hand. But every time it slipped between her fingers and she grinned. She never seemed this happy to Haider before. The birds were chirping and gliding in the sky, giving this moment a perfect sight to behold.

He glanced at her who was looking so charming today. Her joy was evident from her glowing face as she was enjoying a place where she truly wanted to visit. Those adorable pink lines on her cheeks again became evident. And he realized they came whenever she was delighted. That blush which made him want to do many things with her. To make her forget everything and only he remained in her memory. To get her drunk without any drugs.

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