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Aqia raised a hand at him. "Because that's what you are doing now. I won't accept that girl again. Bear that in your mind."

"She is my wife, Mom," he informed her.

"The contract wife? Someone with whom you were playing a game of marriage? Someone who left her house for some unknown, twisted, and perhaps made-up reasons in the night and did lie to you to portray herself as a victim when she bumped into you?" Aqia smirked ironically.

"Enough Mom," Haider said sharply. "I won't let anyone disrespect Ishmal like this."

"What exactly is your motive now, Haider? But I should rephrase it. What exactly is in that girl's sly mind? As far as I know, you hate women. The hatred that your experience with Nisha had germinated inside you hasn't gone anywhere till yet. So is that girl trying to trick you? Perhaps with fake pregnancy news?" She let out stiffly which irked Haider from head to toe.

"Mom!" He clapped back at her. "Do you ever know what you are saying?"

"Aqia, what's wrong with you? Let's just hear what he wants to say. And if he wants Ishmal back in his life then it's a good thing. We wanted him to be happily married and that's going to happen now with his will. Why are you becoming a hindrance in it?" Tashfeen tried to make her understand.  

"If there was any other girl, I would have no objection. But not her. I won't tolerate her in my house after making a fool of every one of us. Did you just forget it, Tashfeen?" She now asked her husband.

"That girl is my wife," Haider asserted as his eyes were turning dark with anger. "And she did all this because I asked her to do so. I am equally responsible for what happened. Then why do you always only attack her? She was innocent and helpless."

Aqia laughed furtively. "Innocent and helpless. Wow. Let me tell you one thing, Haider. She works under Izmir. He is her boss. And maybe that's intentional. She wants to disgrace you by disclosing the reality of this marriage in front of your own cousin so that the whole world would get to know this."

Izmir had coincidently talked about his new graphic designer to them when he was randomly showing the portraits made by her to Hiba.

Haider's eyes widened at this. What was she saying? Ishmal had another job apart from the teaching. That too in Izmir's office. What exactly did she work there?

"It's been a while, Mom that you haven't been very nice to me." Haider stood up as he stared at her in remorse. "First you supported your niece over me when she literally cheated on me. Then you guys never understood my concerns for not marrying again and literally forced me to the extent that I used an innocent girl to please you all. And now when I want to settle in my life, you are at it again. Thank you for again ruining my meal."

Haider left the dining hall after that. Unaiza tried to stop him but he didn't listen to her even. The glow of Aqia's eyes reduced as she glanced at him without saying a word. She suddenly felt his words in her heart.

"Are you satisfied now, Aqia?" Tashfeen nudged her. "What did you get by doing it? Don't let the misinterpretations rule over your sane mindset. Be happy that he is happily bringing Ishmal back."

"Can you really bear someone in your house again who was ditching you all along? Who was acting nicely with you due to a motive?" She inquired him back.

Tashfeen folded his arms on his chest calmly. "Yes because Haider's happiness is linked to it now."

"Haider's happiness? What if he is only bringing her back because she is really blackmailing him for money again?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"Come on, Mom. Why are you thinking about everything negatively? Haider Bhai isn't a child. He knows what's right and what's wrong. He is a freaking policeman," Huzaifa mumbled in irritation.

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