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Ishmal was standing in front of the mirror to get ready to leave for school. She wore a pastel-colored simple long shirt with white trousers. Delicately combing her hair, she tied a handful of them in a clip and let the rest fall on her back. Grabbing the cute small round white earrings, she pushed them into her ears one by one. Applying a pink gloss on her lips, she completed her look. She smiled looking at her reflection before setting her dupatta over her head.

She entered her mother's room after that. Farah was half lying on the bed. As compared to before, she had started speaking well now and her left side showed some movement.

"Ammi, I am leaving for school. You take care," she said, patting her forehead.

Today Ayyan was sick hence he was on leave. Ishmal had to go to school by herself.

"Did you have breakfast?" Farah asked.

"I'll grab something to eat in school. I am really getting late. Bye." Ishmal kissed her cheek before walking out.

She went out of the house and strode towards the main road. Spotting a rickshaw, she tried to stop it by a gesture from her hand. After a small negotiation, she sat in the rickshaw. After twenty minutes, she was outside of her school's building. Paying the driver, she came out, holding her handbag diligently near her armpit.

The sun was at its full might today. Ishmal attempted to hide the impinging rays by placing a file over her eyebrows. She started walking on the footpath leading to the school.  She was still halfway when a car stopped on her other side. Ishmal paused and narrowed her eyes at it. Minutes later, a man appeared from inside and marched towards her. He was tall and dark. Ishmal gulped at this.

"Get in the car," he ordered.

Ishmal's face turned white at his intimidating voice and words. She tried to sneak away but he blocked her way.

"Don't try to run. It won't be good for you," he announced, sharply.

"Wh...who are you? What do you need from me? I...I will make a call for help if you won't leave me," she told him, trying hard to surpass her fear.

The man smiled. "Think twice before doing it. You know, ASP Haider? He is on our mercy."

Ishmal's eyes widened. Haider was in trouble? How came this man knew she knew Haider? Their marriage ceremony had occurred very privately and none other than family members knew that.

"Wondering why I know you are his lover or maybe you guys are in some kind of relation of benefit?" He smirked.

"Shut up!" Ishmal snarled.

For the passersby, it was looking as though two people who knew each other were having a casual conversation but who knew the reality?

"He is in danger. He is surrounded by my team. And he has no way out. And only you can save him. If you will ask him to do what I say, we will spare his life. Or else, we will kill him," he told her, placing a hand over his hip.

"What are you saying?" Ishmal whispered.

Haider was in anger. They would kill him. What was happening?

The man didn't reply but pulled out his phone from his pocket. He shoved the screen in front of Ishmal whose jaw dropped. It was a video showing what that man was saying. It was Haider's car surrounded by two other cars. And even she could see him from afar. Firing was happening from both sides. But even she could understand who was in danger right now even if he would try his best not to do appear deterred.

"If you love his life, come with me. There's already very little time remaining," the man spoke in a rough voice.

Ishmal stared at him dumbfounded.  That was the man she loved. Someone who gave her rescue when she was vulnerable. He helped her when he didn't have to do that. The only man her heart still chanted for. The next moment, she stepped ahead toward the stranger's car. He smiled deeply and then yanked the backdoor. Ishmal's vision was turning black and hazy due to tears but she didn't stop. Her heart urged her to proceed without caring for the outcome.

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