Sulking Xia\'er (2nd)

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Sensing them leave, Fan Zhu Xia let out a quiet sigh of relief and let her body relax.

"Thanks Big Brother..."

In response to her murmur, Fan Li Jie just shook his head while he gently took hold of his cousin's shoulders and slowly push her off of him and wryly asked, "Are you done with your sulking yet?"

"I am NOT sulking!"

"Are you sure?" Fan Li Jie drawled with his eyes filled with enjoyment at seeing his cousin filled with indignation as her eyes flashed at his words.

"Big Brother Li, what under heaven's name made you think that I, Fan Zhu Xia would sulk?! I do not sulk, I have never sulked, I only express my dissatisfaction!" Fan Zhu Xia stated arrogantly as she pushed herself off and allow her cousin to place her beside him.

Humming in reply, Fan Li Jie only looked at her pointedly and asked, "Hmm, is that so?"

Ignoring him, Fan Zhu Xia thought about what happened earlier and her mood instantly darkened and this was shown directly on her face which she didn't bother masking.

Pouting, Zhu Xia let herself be detangled from Li Jie and straightened up with a disgruntled face which made her look like spoiled child that failed to get what she wanted.

Her thin, elegant brows that were softly curved like delicate crescent moons were drawn into a frown while she mumbled a string of incomprehensible words under her breath. Her soft, snow white cheek that still hadn't lost that alluring intoxicated blush from the wine she drank was adorably puffed out as her narrowed icy blue eyes that were framed with thick lashes that curved slightly like a butterfly's wing shot him a dark, unhappy look.

To say that she was unhappy with him was a complete understatement.

Yet this made Fan Li Jie feel nothing but amusement!

The sight of someone actually pouting and throwing a fit like this but didn't make him feel the slightest bit of annoyance but was instead a complete novelty for him!

The other young ladies he encountered were always so quiet and acts like virtuous little flowers i public but when they scheme, they are like sly little snakes with poisonous little tongues.

It was absolutely abhorrent!

This is why when Fan Li Jie encountered this cousin of his, even though she challenged the limit of his patience and was possibly as annoying as his secong brother, Fan Yong Rui, she was still an incredibly refreshing sight.

Compared to the other young ladies from other high noble families with the exception of a few, Fan Zhu Xia who may act willful, coquettish and a highly possible drunk is way better than those who act like they are as pure as white lotus that has beautiful smiles while they scheme and stab each other in the back.

Fan Li Jie would much rather have a sulking Fan Zhu Xia who is honestly showing her feelings than some other maiden who would gently smile and mask their true nature just to present a high noble image.

Standing up from the couch, Fan Li Jie fixed his slightly disheveled robes and extended a hand towards Fan Zhu Xia.

"Come on..."

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