Seals (1st)

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Finding out that there were seals on Cong Shi Hong, Fan Zhu Xia's mind couldn't help but ponder about it. Her mind wandered and thought of countless possibilities.

Was there something he was hiding?

Did she make a mistake in trusting him?

Was he a spy? But then if he was, then why would he get himself beaten up so badly in the first place?

Or was it just nothing but an intricate ploy?

Or maybe the seal served an entirely different purpose.

Maybe it was placed on him to conceal his identity and protect him from harm.

But then, why didn't he tell her in the first place? If he knew there was a seal on him, anyone who thought more deeply upon it would think that it was suspicious.

Thinking further on it, Fan Zhu Xia also wondered on who placed the seals on him in the first place. After all, though she may not be good at it, she could at least detect the basic seals of concealment and transformation but the fact that she didn't was just a testament on how high the level the seal was.

As her mind whirled, Fan Zhu Xia felt the carriage's movements come to a gentle stop and before long, they heard Min Sheng's voice echo from the outside.

"Masters, we have arrived. You may now disembark and make your way to the Young Miss' courtyard by foot or would you like this servant to have a palanquin be prepared?"

"That won't be necessary, we can walk."

After responding, the carriage door swung open and Fan Hui Zhong alighted from the carriage before he turned back and reached his arms back in and carefully took the unconscious boy from Fan Zhu Xia before handing him to Min Sheng who was waiting just a step away from him and as soon as he was done, he then turned around again and helped Fan Zhu Xia go down, making sure that she doesn't accidentally fall or slip.

As soon as her feet were planted stably on the ground, Fan Zhu Xia gave a murmured thanks and gestured for one of the guards to help Chun Hua come down as well before she was led away by Fan Hui Zhong.

Before long, they arrived at Fan Zhu Xia's courtyard and the two children were settled into one of the previously empty rooms which was quickly setup to contain two beds separated by a silk screen as well as a dresser, a small table with two chairs on either side as well as a couple of braziers to keep the room warm.

Seeing them peacefully resting, Fan Zhu Xia nodded in approval and gave Chun Hua some instructions before following Fan Hui Zhong out of the room.

"Father, what do we do now?"

Looking at his daughter fondly, Fan Hui Zhong then replied, "You, my dear daughter, are going to take a rest first. Father will go and make arrangements to have someone send some food in for you and after that should go and take a nap. Leave the rest to Father. Father will take care of everything."

Seeing the look that Fan Hui Zhong was giving her, Fan Zhu Xia felt her heart warm. The concern and worry in his eyes was obvious and any thoughts of disagreeing with him left her and all she could do was give him a small smile and nod meekly.

After all, Fan Zhu Xia knew that if she had to trust anyone to help her with taking care of things, it would be her father; Fan Hui Zhong.

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