Treating Fan Song Xue (4th)

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Almost collapsing from exhaustion, Fan Zhu Xia popped another Vitality Returning Pill into her mouth before bringing out another jade bottle and placing the last batch of pills inside.

Aside from the Absolute Purging Pill, Fan Zhu Xia had to refine four more pills and a medicinal elixir to add to the other pills she already had in her possession before she can start her treatment.

The Marrow-cleansing Pill which was bone white in color and has a great effect of refining and reinforcing the whole skeletal system, removing any impurities while strengthening it, making the person's bones as strong as metal. Fan Zhu Xia thought to refine this since she noticed upon examining Fan Song Xue earlier that some of the poison has also seeped into her grandfather's bones which can prove problematic if not addressed quickly.

The Meridian Revitalizing Pill was another one she refined, which was a pale amber in color with a visibly greenish sheen to it and as the name implies, it revitalizes damaged
meridians while purifying and removing any impurities while also reconstructing and reinforcing it to another level. This will be useful in reparing the damage that the poison caused when it burrowed in Fan Song Xue's meridians.

Fan Zhu Xia also cococted the Spirit Reinforcement Pill which had a color of pale blue in with a barely visible white pattern and a slight silvery sheen to it. This particular pill
helps strengthen the mind and soul and is especially effective in treating injuries to the mind and spirit. It can also give a boost to one's mental fortitude, soul strength and helping in calming the mind which will be especially useful and helpful to her grandfather once the treatment starts
since it'l help with facing the initial onslaught of pain.

To support the Spirit Reinforcement Pill, Fan Zhu Xia also concocted the Pain Nullification Elixir which is a medicinal concoction that helps numb the pain receptors and lessens
the sensation of pain that the person feels. This way, despite the agony that Fan Song Xue might experience during the course of the treatment, he will have a higher chance of enduring and holding on.

To avoid any backlash, the last batch of pills that Fan Zhu Xla refined was the Energy Stabilizing Pill which was a vibrant yellow in color with hints of jade. She refined this since consuming this pill helps calm the flow of qi in the body and also helps treat qi deviation. In the case of the poisoning of 'The Eternal Damnation, since this poison feeds on the individual's qi and cultivation, once it is extracted from the body, it might cause a recoil that could cause a significant amount of damage and the Energy Stabilizing Pill is a good counter-measure against it.

Bringing all the pills she refined with her along with a bottle of Vitality Returning Pills that she refined which can help her recover her energy as well as Fan Song Xue's, she also
brought out a bottle of Blood Enhancing Pills which can also
detoxify impurities and improve her grandfather's blood quality and purity which was most likely affected due to the poison while at the same time helping Fan Song Xue regenerate it faster.

Since this was still a case of severe poisoning like the little girl; Mu Lan Fen, the only difference was their bodies' state of decline so she decided on using the same procedure as a
start so that she can accurately see the changes inside Fan Song Xue's body during the treatment.

Flicking her finger, a pill that was pure white in color with silvery blue patterns and was visibly giving a subtle pulsing glow appeared in between her slender fingertips while
exuding a gentle, calming medicinal scent that almost had floral undertones to it.

This was the Mind Awakening Pill, a pill that can only be concocted by the Cong Clan and their disciples which
increased in rarity ever since the clan was wiped out. It has the potent effect of calming the mind and soul while
strengthening it and if applied to a person suffering from injuries to the mind or soul or people in a deep coma then it can help them recover and give a jolt with it's medicinal effect which can result in the person waking up.

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