Taking Action (4th)

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"Young Miss, are you sure you want to go to the training fields?" Ying Xiao Li questioned again as she worriedly looked at Fan Zhu Xia who just recently regained her consciousness as far as she knows.

Looking at her worried expression, Fan Zhu Xia just shook her head and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Of course I want to go there Lili. Didn't you tell me that Father's currently there?"


"Relax Lili! I'm more than alright. I just really need to talk to Father about something."

"But Young Miss, Lili could have gone and informed Lei Wangye that you've woken up and I'm sure he would have gone to see you immediately."

"And that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid! Didn't you tell me that a lot has happened in the short span that I was unconscious?"


"No Lili. If Father is busy then I won't disrupt his work even more if I can help it."

Seeing Fan Zhu Xia's determined expression, Ying Xiao Li sighed and just shot her another worried look then said, "Lili understands but Young Miss must tell Lili if she feels any pain or discomfort!"

"Yes, yes. Now come on... Let's hurry!"

With Fan Zhu Xia's urging, Ying Xiao Li picked up her pace, all the while keeping an eye on any changes on Zhu Xia's condition.

Before long, they arrived at a wide training field filled with a large number of people standing in organized groups and as they looked around, Fan Zhu Xia soon spied Fan Hui Zhong's form standing at the front.

Seeing that her father's busy giving instructions to the throng of people, Fan Zhu Xia decided to quietly wait for him to finish at the back with Ying Xiao Li.

Despite trying to not draw any attention to herself, Fan Hui Zhong inadvertantly caught sight of her when he seeped his gaze across the crowd in front of him.

Losing his focus, Fan Hui Zhong stopped talking mid-sentence and suddenly strode off.

The soldiers who were confused by his actions turned to follow his gaze were then stunned at what they saw.

Two young ladies, both delicate beauties with one who exuded a quiet shyness while the other looking coldly aloof and untouchable.

Ying Xiao Li who noticed the crowd's attention felt slightly uncomfortable and took a small step towards Fan Zhu Xia who just took her hand in hers and patted it comfortingly.

"Relax. Nothing to worry about Lili." she murmured with a small smile before she let go and walked forward to meet her father halfway.

Once close enough, Fan Hui Zhong immediately enclosed Fan Zhu Xia tightly within his arms and buried his face in her hair.

Feeling him trembling slightly, Fan Zhu Xia felt guilty and hugged him closer as she tucked her head into his chest.

"Sorry for making you worry..."

Inhaling deeply, Fan Hui Zhong then slowly let go of her and pushed her gently to arm's length to examine her closely.

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