Feelings, New Faces (1st)

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Furrowing her brows, Fan Zhu Xia felt light shining behind her closed eye lids, making her groan in protest. Turning around, she pulled the sheets over her head and tried going back to sleep when she felt her stomach grumble, making her frown deepen.

Yawning, Fan Zhu Xia kicked the blanket covering her off and stretched out her limbs, feeling her joints pop back into place making her sigh in relief as she rubbed her eyes sleepily.

Getting up from the bed, she surveyed her surroundings lazily when her eyes widened slightly in surprised when she noticed that it was sunlight that was streaming through the window that woke her up. No wonder her stomach was already protesting in hunger, apparently she slept right through dinner.

Making her way to the bathing room, she went ahead and conducted her morning business as well as freshening up before she leisurely made her way back to her room and started to get herself ready for the day.

Despite knowing that she missed dinner the night before and that her stomach was already grumbling in protest, Fan Zhu Xia was in no hurry to go out and look for someone she can ask to deliver food to her.

Instead, she took her time picking the clothes she wanted to wear before settling on pale blue robes that was almost the exact shade of her eyes with silver embroideries. Fan Zhu Xia then pulled the top half of her hair back and braided in silvery blue silk ribbons made from the same material of her robes while adding white jade accessories to her look.

After that, she sat in front of the mirror at her vanity table and lightly powdered her face and added a bit of rouge to her cheeks and lips, making her look less pale and coupled with her robes, it gave her a softer, more innocent look.

Finally satisfied with her overall appearance, she took one more look at herself in the mirror and she was struck with a pang of bitter melancholy, making her eyes grow a tad colder and distant because when she looked at her reflection, the image she saw looking back at her with a wry smile reminded her so much of how she used to be like before everything came crashing down around her.

Sighing, she half-heartedly turned away from the mirror and made her way out of her room, planning to look for someone she can ask on where she'll be able to get food and just when she was nearing the front of her courtyard, she heard the tell-tale sounds of her courtyard door being slid open and the soft, muffled footsteps making it's way inside.

Tensing up slightly, she waited for the person to turn pass the corner and into the corridor and only relaxing when she saw two female servants who were each carrying warming baskets that had a bit of steam wafting out of the closed lid which made her mouth water and her stomach angrily grumble the moment she caught a whiff of the delicious aroma the steam carried.

The two maid servants had somewhat similar features. Both had long black hair and almond shaped eyes with the only difference being is their height and color of their irises. The taller one had light peach colored eyes while the other had deep green eyes and from the moment they caught a glimpse of Fan Zhu Xia, the two female servants were momentarily stunned because it was the first time that they've seen their supposedly new young miss' breathtaking countenance which reminded them of an icy immortal fairy with her icy blue eyes, snowy-white skin, pale blue robes with silver detailing coupled along with her silvery blue ribbons and white jade pins in her hair and accessories.

The two young maids were knocked out of their stupor when they heard the blue-robed, young miss suddenly ask, "Is that food?"

Blinking up at her, the two female servants managed to get ahold of themselves before respectfully nodding as they answered, "Yes miss."

Drunken Lotus: Fated With The Rogue Hidden Dragon.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora