Treating the Patient (3rd)

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Unable to follow, Chun Hua chose to remain silent and just waited for Fan Zhu Xia to tell her what to do next but the next words Fan Zhu Xia told her surprised her.

"Chun Hua, I want you to go out and have Min Sheng tell father something."

"Of course, Miss. What is your message?"

"Tell father that I found a boy that I would like as a younger brother."

Feeling as if she's missing something, Chun Hua didn't know what to say and seeing her confused state, Fan Zhu Xia then added, "Ask him if he wants a new son."

As if thunder exploded in Chun Hua's head, she stared blankly at Fan Zhu Xia who then just smiled at her and made shooing motions.

"Go on, go and tell Min Sheng to personally send the message and then just wait outside for me to finish since I'll start the treatment once you leave the room and I don't want anyone seeing anything if you open the door again to enter."

Still feeling at a loss, Chun Hua had no choice but to nod and say, "Then I shall take my leave now, Miss. Good luck."

"Thanks." Fan Zhu Xia replied with a smile and with one more shooing motion, she then ignored Chun Hua who slowly left the room, looking slightly dazed.

Outside, seeing the door open and Chun Hua coming out looking absent-minded, the people waiting were concerned yet she paid them no heed and directly when to Min Sheng before pulling him down slightly so that she can lowly whisper directly to his ear, preventing anyone from hearing what she's saying. Although based from Min Sheng's dumbfounded expression, whatever Chun Hua told him was quite surprising and unexpected.

Straightening up, Min Sheng sent one last questioning look towards Chun Hua who then helplessly nodded and then said, "It's what the Young Miss told me to tell you to tell her father."

Hearing that Fan Zhu Xia wanted to send a message to her father, everyone was curious, especially Bai Nian Zu. What would Fan Zhu Xia want to tell her father; Fan Hui Zhong at this time?

Despite the others curiousity, Min Sheng just nodded and excused himself before leaving in haste while Chun Hua then just stood there with her head bowed, as if deep in thought.

Unable to contain her curiousity, Fu Zhenzhen then turned to Bai Nian Zu and asked, "Commander Bai, may I ask who that Young Miss is and which family she came from and just who is her father?"

Caught completely off-guard, Bai Nian Zu then stared at Fu Zhenzhen in surprise and his expression was being mirrored by her older brother, Fu Qing Tian as well, making her uncomfortable so ended up asking, "Why are all of you looking at me like that? Isn't my question completely normal to ask if you don't know a person?"

Looking exasperatedly at his little sister, Fu Qing Tian then said, "Zhenzhen, those questions are normal if you just met but when we got here earlier, you acted as if you knew her, even to the point of you following her instructions!"

Realizing that point, Fu Zhenzhen first stared blankly at her brother before she suddenly exclaimed, "Brother, you're right! How can Zhenzhen do that?! Zhenzhen just assumed from the start that she was someone important because of her escort that Zhenzhen completely forgot to even ask her who she was and she didn't even introduce herself, how rude!"

Drunken Lotus: Fated With The Rogue Hidden Dragon.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang