Confirmations (1st)

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"The owner wants to see me? Now?" Fan Zhu Xia asked blankly as she stared at Ho You who had just arrived to inform them that they won the bid for the Golden Crystal Spirit Fruit and that the owner has one particular request; and that is to personally meet her.

Looking at the flabbergasted expression on Fan Zhu Xia's face, Ho You couldn't help but lightly chuckle as he replied, "Yes Miss Xia'er, that's right."

"But why?"

"This lowly one isn't exactly sure of the reason, after all, Ho You is but a servant here in the Thousand Treasure Pavillion but it is the Lord Owner who was the one who specifically ordered me to inform you of his request."

Falling silent, Fan Zhu Xia mulled things over before she felt a hand clamp over her shoulder and give her a reassuring squeeze.

"Little Xia, you should go ahead and meet this mysterious owner. Besides, if something happens, wouldn't I still be here to help you out?" Fan Yong Rui said with a grin.

"That won't be necessary, I don't think the Thousand Treasures Pavillion will do anything to harm me."

"Of course not! The Thousand Treasure Pavillion prides itself with our fair and unquestionable treatment of our patrons, we would never do any underhanded tricks, especially to our esteemed guest such as yourselves. Our Lord Owner would just like to make your acquaintance."

Sharing a look with Fan Yong Rui, Fan Zhu Xia remained puzzled yet she could do nothing but nod and say, "Very well. This miss will do as you say."

Meanwhile, Fan Yong Rui seemed to have thought of something and gave Ho You a pondering look with curiosity and amusement blooming in his eyes before he just chuckled and shook his head when Fan Zhu Xia gazed at him inquiringly.

"Then do you mind if I go on ahead? People are looking for me and this young master shouldn't keep them waiting. Will you just have someone come and inform me once you reach home?"

"En. I'll have someone do that. You go on ahead, I'll see you later."

Then with a mischievous glint in his eyes, Fan Yong Rui sidled up closer to Fan Zhu Xia before suddenly pulling her into his embrace and lowering his head to kiss her cheek before letting her go and lowly telling her in an ambigous tone, "Hurry back, I'll be waiting."

Momentarily shocked by his actions, Fan Zhu Xia did nothing but stare at him dumbfounded, not even moving even an inch away from Fan Yong Rui, making Ho You's brows frown slightly in concern before he managed to mask it, yet despite his speed, Fan Yong Rui still noticed, making him laugh as he got the answer to one of the questions on his mind, making him laugh.

His laughter brought Fan Zhu Xia made Fan Zhu Xia's face blush adorably as she stomped her feet before pushing Fan Yong Rui to the direction of the door, shooing him away.

"Remember, don't take too long, I might get jealous." Fan Yong Rui teasingly drawled with a smirk on his face, making Fan Zhu Xia so annoyed that she felt a vein would burst in her temple all because of Fan Yong Rui's annoying antics.

"Ehh, you jealous? What are you talking about? Just go already!" Fan Zhu Xia snappily replied to which Fan Yong Rui just laughed off as he waves goodbye before exiting the room, leaving the occupants in an awkward silence.

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